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Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Tuesday, 19. October 2010, 08:45

[AddOn] Incursion


The time of Incursion approaches as the shadow of the Sansha's Nation reaches across EVE Online. Incursion is bringing a great bag of awesome and it's time to mention some of the icing on cake changes coming as well, which will interest many of you covering some timely welcome additions and balancing.
Tech II ammo getting some love

Tech II ammo is getting some love in the coming expansion. We are focusing on the short range versions of the Tech II ammo such as Gleam, Conflagration, Hail, Quake, Void and Javelin. We are removing various negative effects from each, focusing on the drawbacks which penalize your ship itself and also stack per hardpoint loaded with the ammo. This means the ammo will be a good alternative to the faction ammo and, without such focused and sometimes crippling drawbacks, will be much more useful.
Rockets Power Up

Rockets have been given a power up with a focus on making them more effective against frigate sized ships. They gain a bonus to explosion velocity and damage whilst getting a slightly reduced rate of fire. In addition, the Hawk received some special attention with a change to its kinetic missile damage bonus to 10% per level and a little extra powergrid.
SCC approves addition of faction ships to the market

The SCC has been persuaded to relax their stringent hold on the market and will, with Incursion, allow the trade of all faction ships. This is pretty cool for those of you looking for pimp rides to show off whilst cruising around Yulai with more bling bling.

Also mal kurz bisher zusammengefaßt was mit Incursion alles "neues / verbessertes" kommen wird:
- Sansha Komplexe, ähnlich Raid Dungeons in anderen MMOs. Je nach Schwiergikeit (Easy / Moderate / Heavy) mit 5 / 10+ und 20 bis 40 Piloten zu machen.
- Planetary Interaction wird weiter verbessert
- Neue Avatare
- Endlich nutzbare T2 Short-Range Munition (Bisher ist das Nutzen von T2 Short Range Ammo ja grenzdebiler Unsinn gewesen, da die Penalties kaum die Vorteile aufwiegen konnten - zumindest keinesfalls im Vergleich zu Faction Ammo).
- Rockets werden entbuggt!!!! Die Malediction wird endlich ein nützlicher Interceptor. Die Amarr werden aus dem Häuschen sein. (Momentan haben Rockets eine extrem niedrige Explosionsgeschwindigkeit - ich glaube sehr ähnlich der von Heavy Missiles - natürlich bei deutlich niedrigerem Schaden. Sprich an Fregatten und Destroyern machte man mit den Dingern so gut wie keinen Schaden, was vor allem für einen Caldari Inti/Caldari Assault und den Amarr Interceptor und ein Amarr Assault einfach scheiße war und die Dinger quasi nicht nutzbar machte - zumindest nicht im Hinblick auf DPS - nun endlich wird die Explosionsgeschwindigkeit angepaßt und Rockets werden gegen Kleinschiffe wirksam.)
- Faction Schiffe am Markt finden (nicht mehr nur in den Contracts)
- Das neue Salvage Schiff von Ore, die Noctis(?)
- WASD Shortcuts für Align, Warp, Jump, Hold, ....

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Tuesday, 19. October 2010, 08:54

Achja nochmal ein nettes Schmankerl zu dem Vampirspiel und Incarna Charaktermodellen:

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)



  • »Lorm« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Spiel: iRacing, Shogun 2

Wohnort: Sauerland

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Tuesday, 19. October 2010, 17:08

mach dich nackich du sau!!

ach nee is ja nur nen video... ähm hammer! :beye:
Jeden Montag ab 8:00 Uhr! Sprechstunde
Brustvergrösserung durch Handauflegen. Bei nicht Gelingen zahle ich 5€


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Thursday, 28. October 2010, 21:14

Fantrailer zu den Sansha Raids die mit Incursion kommen werden und durch die derzeitigen Live Events vorbereitet werden...

Ich find den ganz nett - und der Akzent vom Sprecher am Anfang ist klasse "mangind"

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Thursday, 11. November 2010, 14:25

Und wieder ein paar neue Details über Incursion:


It is another routine day in your friendly New Eden neighborhood: some capsuleers are gazing at the exciting, humming glow of strip miners with a blank, almost lifeless stare; others are playing carousels with their ships inside stations; the rest are merrily shooting each other in the face while exchanging strange remarks about their sisters in local chat.
Suddenly, all this buzzing activity comes to a stop. Something feels amiss, like a half-eaten Roquefort cheese left too long on the kitchen table. Blockades appear on star gates, asteroid belts are invaded, and even the ambient nebula light has shifts to a pernicious shade. For those inside stations, sirens go off while a constellation wide emergency is declared: an incursion has begun.

We brake for nobody
Incursions may happen anywhere, at any time, from null-sec alliance space to high-sec travel routes. The Sansha's Nation is seriously pissed and doesn't care about politics; trust us, you would be quite mad as well if you were stuck living with giant spikes on your head ‘n' shoulders.
Active incursions will bring a variety of disruptive changes that will greatly impact player activities; first off, celestial pirate NPCs you would normally encounter at star gates and asteroid belts will be replaced by new ones tied with the incursion, and they will demonstrate updated attributes and Sleeper-like AI. Note, however, that this will not affect CONCORD, or the empire navies, even if an incursion will suppress custom NPCs.
In addition, systems invaded by Sanshas will receive certain system wide effects that affect all players inside them:
· Reduction of all shield/armor resistances
· Reduction of turret, missile, drone and smartbomb damage
· Jamming of cynosural fields throughout the system
· Reduction of 50% on all NPC bounties
The purpose of such modifications is to provide a dynamic, opportunity-rich environment that breaks the routine and offers new possibilities. Capital ships won't be able to jump in low and null-security space, leveling the fields between small corporations and organized alliances; gate camps discourage players to block traffic there, and instead motivate them to look for prey inside the incursion sites themselves, where they also can be shot by the NPCs; NPC bounty reductions provides an incentive for players to gather arms, team up, and face the threat.
Der ganze DevBlog mit Grafiken...

Ist auf jeden Fall lesenswert. Die Incursions sind ja recht nett gemacht.

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)



Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

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Thursday, 11. November 2010, 16:14

Ist schön geschrieben. :D


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Thursday, 11. November 2010, 17:46



We imagine that you are starting to get excited over the Incursion expansion we've been working on for the past few months.

With all of the screenshots and videos of the new Incarna character creator we've seen filling up the intertubes, we can see that excitement is building for the upcoming Incursion expansion. The Sansha Incursion feature itself has had a lot of positive feedback through the mass tests we‘ve been running on Singularity and, with the host of smaller fixes (many requested directly by you!), this is going to be one epic expansion.

Based on a lot of great feedback we've gotten from the Singularity public test server, we see that both key features will benefit greatly from an additional level of polish.

We also want to do some usability changes to the Incarna character creator UI, and our artists are anxious to invest more time tweaking the assets you've been drooling over. For the Sansha Incursion feature there is some polish we want to get in, mostly on the socialization and UI front, but there is also some backend optimization that we want to do to get things to run more smoothly.

On top of that, we want to make sure our quality assurance department gets plenty of time with the more polished, final versions.

We discussed a few of the options we have with the CSM, and I think we‘re very unified that the best course of action is:

1. Release a first-step patch with a collection of player requested improvements November 30th.
2. Release a second-step patch before Christmas (Only Santa knows what will be in this patch!)
3. Release key features of this expansion such as the Incarna Character Creator and Sansha Incursions in January 2011

But CCP delivers Two EVE Online expansions a year!

That is our Deliver commitment. However, we also have a commitment to make them Excellent. In this case, we've chosen to Deliver parts of the expansion in November and December, and the two key features in January with Excellence to respect both commitments.

November release (Precursor?)

We have a few options for contained changes we can put out in a beefy mini-expansion in November that may include (but are not limited to):

* 80 new story line courier missions
* Rocket balancing
* Tech 2 ammo balancing
* Adding faction ships to the market
* Fighter bomber missile visual effects changes
* Anti-aliasing support
* Window resizing, camera offset
* Meta-item indicator icons
* UI optimization to contract delivery filtering
* Cargo can now be dragged to hangar by dropping on Neocom
* Toggling probes in overview
* POS gunners now receive notifications about control towers under attack
* Sorting deliveries according to distance in jumps or regional locations
* Unique icons for Microwarpdrives and Afterburners

Not all of these may make it into the November update. Some may require additional testing or design, and will be included in future patches. But we’re confident the update on November 30th will have a lot of very exciting, highly requested changes.

We realize this is a bit out of the ordinary for EVE Online's standard two expansion a year policy but we're confident that the benefits will be obvious to everyone in the long run. More polished, more excellent features. More frequent and smaller releases. Less risky and long deployments.

- CCP Zulu

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)



Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

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Thursday, 11. November 2010, 17:59



Der Auserwählte

  • »Inessa« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 8. April 2006

Spiel: EVE

Charakter: Inessa Ghulin

Wohnort: Hamburg

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Thursday, 11. November 2010, 18:01


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Thursday, 11. November 2010, 18:02

Naja bis Januar warten ist doof. Aber hilft ja nix. Wenn sies dann ordentlich machen ist ja alles okay.

Vielleicht wirds auf SiSi wenigstens wieder aufgespielt :o). Bin grad am patchen - mal sehen obs wieder da ist.

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Thursday, 11. November 2010, 19:00

WUHA neuer Editor ist wieder auf SiSi!!!

Sieht super aus - das Interface wurde total überarbeitet

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Saturday, 13. November 2010, 02:56

Sansha Supercarrier (Japs ein Sansha Mothership!) kommt:

Special Ability:
* 30% to maximum jump range
* Can activate one extra Drone Control Unit
Amarr Carrier Skill Bonuses:
* Can deploy 3 additional Fighters or Fighter Bombers per level
* Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per level
Caldari Carrier Skill Bonuses:
* 50% bonus to Capital Energy and Shield transfer range per level
* 5% bonus to deployed Fighters or Fighter Bomber damage per level
Role Bonuses:
* 99% reduction in CPU need for Warfare Link modules
* Can fit Projected Electronic Counter Measures 200% bonus to Fighter or Fighter Bomber control range
* Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare
* Structure hitpoints: 560,000
* Cargo capacity: 1,405 m3
* Drone capacity: 250,000 m3
* Drone bandwidth: 13,000 Mbit/sec
* Mass: 1,546,875,000 kg
* Volume: 62,000,000 m3
* Inertia modifier: 0.04
* Hull EM / EX / KIN / TH resistances: 0 %
* Armor hitpoints: 610,000
* Armor EM / EX / KIN / TH resistances: 50 % / 20 % / 25 % / 35 %
* Shield hitpoints: 980,000
* Shield recharge time: 39200s
* Shield EM / EX / KIN / TH resistances: 0 % / 50 % / 40 % / 20 %
* Capacity: 82,500
* Recharge time: 5362.5s
* Maximum targeting range: 184km
* Max locked targets: 6
* Scan resolution: 45mm
* Radar sensor strength: 165
* Signature radius: 11.87km
Shared facilities:
* Same as any regular supercarrier
Jump drive systems:
* Same as any regular supercarrier, uses helium isotopes
* 60 m/sec
* Ship warp speed: 1.5 AU/s
* CPU: 950
* Powergrid: 625,000
* Calibration: 350
* Low slots: 4
* Med slots: 7
* High slots: 7
* Upgrade hardpoints: 3
* Primary skill required: Capital Ships level 1
* Secondary skill required: Amarr Carrier level 3
* Tertiary skill required: Caldari Carrier level 3
* Quaternary skill required: Jump Drive Operation level 1

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Saturday, 20. November 2010, 20:39

Incursion Trailer:

Find den sehr cool!!!

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)

  • »Grivon« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

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Saturday, 20. November 2010, 21:08

das teil was bei 1.21 reinspringt ist das mothership?

  • »Prometheus« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 1. April 2010

Spiel: EVE

Charakter: Prometheus 77

Wohnort: Rostock

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Saturday, 20. November 2010, 21:21

Das scheint der neue Sanshas Supercarrier zu sein. Wenn das Ding down ist, solls wohl die Chance geben nen Blueprint davon zu looten.

Im Falle eines Falles, ist richtig fallen alles!


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Saturday, 20. November 2010, 21:41

Jau, im LowSec sollen die droppen

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)



Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

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Sunday, 21. November 2010, 00:09

Sehr cooler Trailer.


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

  • Nachricht senden


Friday, 26. November 2010, 18:45


VE Online: Incursion 1.0.0 wird am Dienstag, den 30 November 2010 aufgespielt werden. Incursion 1.0.0 bringt ein neues Bergungsschiff, die Noctis, eine gewaltige Menge an von den Spielern geforderten Verbesserungen und Behebungen genauso wie wichtige serverseitige Optimierungen. Für mehr Informationen über die Incursion-Erweiterung besucht bitte unsere Erweiterungs-Website.

Der Aufspielungsvorgang wird um 11:00 UTC (12:00 MEZ) beginnen und es wird erwartet, dass er um 14:00 UTC (15:00 MEZ) abgeschlossen ist. Die Patch Notes stehen zur Einsicht bereit. Ein Besprechungsthread steht hier zur Verfügung.

Incursion wird in drei Phasen veröffentlicht. Dies ist die erste Installation, der zweite Teil kommt am 14. Dezember, wann wir die Learning Skills entfernen. Die abschließende Veröffentlichung im Januar wird den neuen Charakterersteller und die Sansha Einfälle (Incursions) beinhalten. Alle Details können im Veröffentlichungs Blog von CCP Zulu gefunden werden (Deutsche Übersetzung).

Patch Notes for Incursion 1.0.0

Released Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Table of Contents


* A dedicated salvaging ship, the Noctis, has been added to EVE Online. No longer will you have to use ships less suited for this line of work. The Noctis is a salvager’s wet dream and comes with some specialized bonuses, a large cargo hold and eight high slots for salvagers and tractor beams. Please check out this Dev Blog for more information and some nice images.
* The statistics for the Noctis are as follows:
o Slot layout – 8 high, 2 mid, 3 low
o Powergrid – 250 MW
o CPU – 300
o Base speed – 155 m/s
o Cargo capacity – 1,460 m3
o Rig slots/Calibration – 3/400
o Shield/Armor/Hull hit points – 1700 hp/2200 hp/3200 hp
o ORE Industrial skill bonus: 5% bonus to Tractor Beam and Salvager cycle time and 60% bonus to Tractor Beam range and velocity per level
* Blueprint Originals for the Noctis can now be purchased from Outer Ring Excavations stations.
* The new ORE Industrial skill book, required to pilot the Noctis, can now be purchased from school stations everywhere.



* The Hawk assault frigate has had its bonus to kinetic missile damage changed from 5% to 10%. It also has an additional 2MW added to its powergrid.


* Fighter Bombers used by Super Carriers have been changed: they do much less damage to sub-capital class ships now and will also contribute much less lag to future fleet fights. They were previously making the servers cry.

Weapons & Ammunition

* Rockets have had an explosion velocity boost. It means they will inflict more damage on faster moving targets whilst also gaining a straight damage boost through changes to rocket damage and rocket launcher rate of fire.
* Quake has had its velocity and capacitor recharge penalties removed.
* Hail has had its capacitor recharge penalty removed, its tracing speed penalty reduced and its damage boosted.
* Gleam has had its shield hitpoint and signature radius penalties removed.
* Conflagration has had its tracking speed penalty removed and its damage boosted.
* Javelin has had its velocity penalty removed.
* Void has had its tracking penalty reduced and its damage increased.

Need for speed

* In order to facilitate fleet fights, network timeout values have been increased substantially from eight minutes. This will allow users to successfully jump and/or log into extremely loaded solar systems where the client will need to wait a very long time to complete. The players will also receive more informative messages under these extreme circumstances.
* Repeating modules will no longer get into a “stuck” state, where they cannot be switched off.
* Improvements to module activation and reload responsiveness have been made.
* Decisions about who should receive damage notifications were optimized.
* Jumping through a stargate will now create less server load.
* Compile-time constant handling was improved to give better runtime performance: As a result of replacing certain data look-ups with fixed constants, both client and server should be able to run slightly faster.
* Fixed an issue in which a client receiving out of order packets would fail to load grid when jumping into a system.
* A large amount of damage and effects states were being recalculated for every observer during fleet warps and mass jumps. This process is now much more efficient.

Market & Contracts

* The Ships section of the market has been reorganized and is now primarily sorted by hull class. In addition, all faction and special release ships have been added to the market so you can now trade them there in addition to contracts.
* It is no longer possible to create Loan contracts. Furthermore, existing in-progress loan contracts will become invalid in January 2011 as a part of a major Contracts refactoring. If you have a loan contract in progress you are encouraged to complete it before the end of this year to avoid any possible inconvenience.


* The EVE client is now resizable in Windowed mode, allowing the players to stretch their client over several monitors. Now EVE Online is much more beautiful in ultra-widescreen resolutions.
* There is a new version of Windowed Mode called Fixed Window. It is similar to the regular Windowed Mode but lacks any title bars, frames or borders.
* A new option, “Horizontal offset” has been added to the settings menu. It allows the player to have all menus on one monitor and focus on his ship in another monitor.
* EVE now supports anti-aliasing. The beauty of virtual space has never been more… beautiful.
* Fighter Bombers now have a new missile effect, which looks awesome and doesn’t make the servers beg for mercy at the same time.
* Microwarpdrives now have their own brand new icon.


* Enabled Alt+F4 capabilities, allowing users to activate modules with this keybinding.


* A “Volume” column has been added to the hangar view by default; “Category”, “Meta Level” and “Tech Level” have been added as optional columns. Individual columns now can be toggled on and off through the right click menu.
* The order of options in right click menus has been changed and grouped to make it more consistent. This means that the more dangerous options like ‘Trash’ appear towards the bottom of the menus with more useful options such as ‘Show Info’ appearing at the top.
* You can now move items and ships to their respective hangars by dropping them on the corresponding icon in Neocom.
* Deadspace, faction, officer, and storyline items now have an overlay icon like the Tech II and III items.
* Probes can now be added to the overview.
* Corporation assets can now be filtered according to region or number of jumps.
* Players with Starbase Defense Operator roles will now receive notifications about control towers under attack.
* You can now rename ships in your hangar without making them active.
* When the camera is offset, the user interface can follow. Under the Camera Offset slider there is a checkbox that will center the UI elements wherever the camera is focused.


User Interface

* Item sorting now works correctly even in cases where some columns have been removed.
* Tooltips no longer stay visible during drag-and-drop.
* Text will now be correctly highlighted in storyline mission briefings.
* You can now receive client updates through the login window without actually logging in. This means you will be prompted about a client update as soon as you boot your client rather than waiting to input your username and password.
* Dragging an item into the chat window no longer causes the window to lose focus.
* The right-click menu will now be more responsive when working in hangars with very high item counts.
* There will no longer be any icon overlap in the assets window.
* An issue causing the F11 Map browser to snap abnormally has been resolved.

EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

* White spaces on notes are now counted as characters and are saved properly.
* An issue has been fixed which was causing the EVE mail window to experience an excessive load time when first accessing it in a new session.

Localized Clients

* The buttons to install or uninstall client updates are now translated and are present in their proper locations in the Russian and German clients.


* Inconsistent formatting of element and rowset names in mail calls has been fixed.
* Having an empty inbox will no longer cause errors in mail calls.
* Mail messages no longer show their read/unread status as it did not update properly from the different methods of reading your mail and caused confusion.
* Quantities of -1 will no longer show up for unstacked items.
* New corporations are no longer seen as a NPC corp by the API.
* The MailMessages API no longer return the Read bit, as it isn’t guaranteed to be correct.
* The toListIDs flag on MailMessages now returns an empty string rather than 0, if it wasn’t sent to a mailing list, as this is more consistent.
* The toListIDs flag has been renamed to toListID, as you can only send a mail to 1 mailing list at a time.
* If you' are training an unpublished skill book, your skill queue will no longer fail.
* Science and Industry and Container Logs now returns the correct quantities.


* Fixed a Z-buffer issue that caused flickering on ATi cards. This was fixed for the R600 previously and now covers R800 as well.


* Wrecks will no longer jump around in space, when a tractor beam is activated on them.
* Orbiting and colliding NPCs and player ships are no longer rendered in wrong location by the client compared to the server.
* Ships are now coming out of warp smoother, without “rubber-banding”.

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)

  • »Ankerich« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 18. May 2008

Spiel: Eve

Charakter: Meral - Rift // T'Lamar - Eve

Wohnort: Dortmund

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Friday, 26. November 2010, 18:58


The EVE client is now resizable in Windowed mode, allowing the players to stretch their client over several monitors. Now EVE Online is much more beautiful in ultra-widescreen resolutions.

Wenn ich das so lese geht mir das Herz auf....vielleicht hole ich mir dann die Commissioned Officer Edition

Varimatras deVolair

The Man in Black

  • »Varimatras deVolair« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 5. July 2009

Spiel: EvE Online

Charakter: Varimatras deVolair

Wohnort: Berliner Zerosec, Providence, again :)

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Saturday, 27. November 2010, 01:48

ich hoffe, das die "need for speed" änderungen auch so kommen und wirken...das würde fleetfights und jumps, sowie gridloadlag und so deutlich verbessern.
alles in allem, nette features. besonders der rocket und t2 mun boost/entfernen der mali ist ein segen...conflag war ja fast nur zum caps oder stationen ballern gut...

der trailer selber ist nicht schlecht gemacht, aber deutlich zu kurz und den szenen fehlt ein wenig "epicness" da hätte man deutlich mehr rausholen können, wenn ich bedenke der der fragwürdige "wie beklaue ich eine corp/alli und räche mich"- trailer, ne minute länger ging, von Dominion ganz zu schweigen mit 5min laufzeit... und ja das war die Revenant, so der name vom sansha SC, wenn man genau hinsieht, erkennt man sogar die zugehörigen Fighterbomber...:)

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Dr.House: "Danke. Ich hatte die Wahl zwischen gesträhnten Haaren oder dem. Von Selbstgefälligkeit hat man länger was."

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