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Sjille A'Okri



Tuesday, 21. June 2005, 23:15

Testcenter Publish Notes 21. Juni

Test Center
Version 0.124821

Correspondents and Fan Fest Fixes and Balance Changes


* Added in missing Fencer animations
* Added in missing Pikemen animations
* Added in missing Swordsmen animations

Weapons and Damage

* Fixed elemental damage type on the red color crystal
* Fixed weapon elemental damage. All weapons with an elemental damage amount should now be correctly doing their elemental damage.
* Changed Lightning Rifles movement modifier to emulate Rifles instead of commando weapons

Jedi Defender

* Avoid Incapacitation - Increased Force cost to activate

Jedi Healing

* Force Sap - Lowered duration and debuff amount
* Force Heal - Increased cooldown and execute timers
* Total Heal - Increased cooldown and execute timers
* Added Mind and Action costs to most Healer abilities

Jedi Powers

* Force Choke - Armor will no longer prevent Force Choke damage
* Mind Blast - Added State effects to ability
* Improved Mind Blast - Ability is now single target ability
* Force Throw - Added State effects to ability
* Force Throw - Is now a cone attack
* Force Cloak - Increased cooldown timer
* Reduced Force cost of Powers abilits by 50%

Jedi Enhancer

* Force Armor - Now adds to your Jedi Innate Jedi Armor
* Force Armor - Takes a substantial less amount of Force per incoming damage
* Force Shield - Takes a substantial less amount of Force per incoming damage
* Transfer Force - Increased cooldown timer
* Drain Force - Increased cooldown timer
* Stasis - Increased cooldown timer
* Force Speed - Increased duration of Buff
* Added slight Mind and Action costs to most Enhancer abilities

Jedi Lightsabers

* Reduced action cost of Light saber moves
* Reduced Force cost on Saber moves
* Advanced Saber Throw - Removed Cone effects from ability
* Improved Saber Throw - Removed Knockdown effect from ability
* Increased Damage Potential of all Saber Throws

Doctor/Combat Medic

* Significantly reduced Healing execute timers and cooldowns on all healing abilities
* Reduced aggro generated by Healing by 50% on all healing abilities
* Reduced Mind costs all healing buffing abilities
* Significantly reduced Healing execute timers and cooldowns on all Combat Medic Offensive abilities
* Significantly increased amount of Doctor/CM healing


* Increased refresh rate on Revive ability from Cybernetic arms
* Increased damage ranges on Cybernetic arms


* Sniper Shot - Added 20 meter minimum range

Bounty Hunter

* Duelist Stance - Increased amount of defense skill added

General Combat

* Increased Action cost of KnockdownRecovery

Other Publish Notes:

Smuggler - Information will be posted shortly!!! =P


* Entertainers will now heal players from a greater distance.


* Added warmup timer to Jedi Saber Power attack

Force Sensitive Village

* Fixed issue that prevented the Power Crystals in Mellichae's camp from being destroyed. Improved handling of enemies defending the Power Crystals in Mellichae's camp.
* Force Cloaked Jedi will take damage from turret attacks.


* Removed PVP and PVE battlefields and replaced them with nobuild zones

Quests / Content:

Secrets of the Syren

* Chapter 3 of the Secrets of the Syren quest is now live.

Geonosian Bunker:

* Fixed an spawning error that would cause too many "an enhanced kwi" to spawn.

Space Kashyyyk:

* The Imperial Station mission for the Imperial Guard Interceptor will now grant the correct badge. If you have already completed the mission, speak with the station again to get your service record corrected.

Content: Kkowir Forest

* If you currently have the arena champion quest active Chief Kerritamba will regrant the quest to enter the arena.

Content: Space Kashyyyk

* Fixed an issue with some of the Wookiee Resitance Fighters that made them unattackable.
Content: Space Kashyyyk
* Players who answered "Their numbers are thin. They are no threat to us" can now continue with the Eyma quest line

Avatar Platform

* Fixed bug with lockbox spawning inside wall on the Avatar platform.
* Added loot to the checkpoint lockbox on the Avatar platform.

Player Structures

* Fixed an issue where players were able to stick naboo medium style 1 house right up against each other any longer.


* Fixed an issue that caused loot items to not be assigned the proper levels/attributes.

Armor / Cybernetics

* Can no longer wear biceps from other armor sets over the Mabari jacket
* Fixed issue with Wookiee Ceremonial Right biceps and bracers
* Fixed the cybernetic proc effects. Cybernetic limbs with proc effects that trigger on a sucessful hit will not execute correctly


* Art: sped up two handed sword animations


* You are now given another chance to name a reverse engineered component after attempting to use a reserved name.
* Fixed issue that prevented renaming of a reverse engineered component when using the last charge of a Component Analysis Tool.
* Unused engine acceleration and deceleration stats of 0.0 are no longer shown in the reverse engineering results dialog.


* If you have nothing targeted, and take damage, you automatically target what damaged you.
* Fixed a bug when hovering over an icon in the command browser would give a tooltip with an internal slash command
* Turning off the hud, and then targeting something using tab or F1, would cause a hud targeting element to appear
* Fixed a bug that players with pre-CU characters get a running man for their role icon the first time they log in
* Fixed a problem with junk dealer names not appearing properly on the overhead map.
* The group direction arrow will now update when the player is out of range.
* Fixed a bug where non-targetable flora and buildings would make targeting genuinely targetable objects difficult
* Using WASD keys in MMORPG Modeless will no longer break you out of the radial menu. The radial menu will position itself in 3D once activated.
* Fixed a bug where the HAM bar wasn't showing over the head of your assist target
* BazaarUI: save sort settings for columns
* Fixed a bug where the default attack would not work for combat commands if you were using the assist system (i.e. if you had a group member targeted)

Player Associations

* City banned players can no longer travel to the banned city by selecting "Use Travel Ticket" from the ticket's radial menu or by using the ticket from the toolbar
* Garage Fee/tax should be displayed in the City Status window now.


* Fixed Crackdown NPCs, all Crackdown NPCs should now have the correct name, appearance and faction.


* Less IME spam when playing in Japanese.
* Resource category names are now localized. These newly understood names will take time to move across the land.

Please hop on Test Center and try out the Smuggler Slicing changes and let us know what you think below. Please remain on topic and be constructive or your post will be removed.

Smuggler New Slicing Changes!

The “cut blue/red wire” element has been removed from weapon and armor slicing.

While slices to weapon and armor will always succeed, each slice will add a small amount of customization points to the sliced object. Any piece of weaponry or armor may have up to a total of 100 points worth of slices. The better a slice is, the more points it adds to the item until it reaches 100 points.

However, the more customizations added to an item (the closer to a complete 100 points), the more prone to sudden breakage during use it becomes. The build up is very slow, but 100% customized items may break once every couple weeks.

These breakages may be fixed only by a smuggler with slicing skill equal to or greater than the weapon's customization level. A broken weapon or armor piece is de-equipped and cannot be used until fixed by a smuggler. Examining the item displays its customization level, its percentage chance of breaking (usually quite small), and whether it is broken or not.

Each item (weapons/armor) will have a set of customization categories. Each category will require a number of slices of increasing value in order to get the full value of the category. These slices must be applied in order. For example, a weapon will have a category called “Increase Firing Rate” which has a maximum of 4 slices, each of increasing quality. Each of these slices then has a cost and results in an increase in firing rate.

Here is a list of the new slices:


* Increase Firing Rate
* Enhanced Damage
* Increased Critical Hit Chance


* Enhanced Resilience
* Impact Deflections
* Hardening (Crit save chance)
* Armor Break Defense

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Sjille A'Okri« (21. June 2005, 23:16)


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden


Tuesday, 21. June 2005, 23:26

Übersetz doch mal jemand, so nehm ich nur war, das SUPER TOTAL viel für Jedis ist ;) :D
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?


Tuesday, 21. June 2005, 23:30

Sachen die ich echt gut finde :o)


* Sniper Shot - Added 20 meter minimum range (find ich realistisch)

Animations (Zeit wurds)
* Added in missing Fencer animations
* Added in missing Pikemen animations
* Added in missing Swordsmen animations

Jedi Defender (Marti und ich durften heute erleben was mit Avoid Incap alles möglich ist - war Zeit für nen Nerf)
* Avoid Incapacitation - Increased Force cost to activate

Smuggler New Slicing Changes! (Komplett gut und ist auch Zeit geworden)

Was ich vermisse:

Über die Chatprobleme hab ich nix gelesen
Es steht nix drin das der Bio Link Item Bug gefixt wird - was sehr schade ist da ich zum einen gerne wieder meine Clone Armor hätte zum andren würd ich mit Syr auch gerne wieder Faction Armors verkaufen...





Tuesday, 21. June 2005, 23:38

klingt ja mal ned schlecht was ich so überflogen hab




Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 01:12

* Reduced aggro generated by Healing by 50% on all healing abilities

was soll das denn? wie soll ich denn da jetzt noch taunten können? :D


Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 06:51

öhm Battlefields komplett raus?
Also nix mit PvP ohne mio leuchtdildoschwingern^^

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Counts« (22. June 2005, 06:55)


Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 10:02

battlefields raus und an anderer stelle wieder rein mit nem nicht bebaubaren radius hab ich das verstanden..oder?

Cijj Jodaij



Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 10:30

Sehr richtig.

Also keine Änderung, einfach nur die blauen Markierungen weg.

Denke die werden gerade intern Revampt und dann auf den reservierten Flächen abgestellt wenn fertig.


Quests / Content:

Secrets of the Syren

* Chapter 3 of the Secrets of the Syren quest is now live.


* If you have nothing targeted, and take damage, you automatically target what damaged you.

Smuggler New Slicing Changes!

The “cut blue/red wire” element has been removed from weapon and armor slicing.

While slices to weapon and armor will always succeed, each slice will add a small amount of customization points to the sliced object. Any piece of weaponry or armor may have up to a total of 100 points worth of slices. The better a slice is, the more points it adds to the item until it reaches 100 points.

However, the more customizations added to an item (the closer to a complete 100 points), the more prone to sudden breakage during use it becomes. The build up is very slow, but 100% customized items may break once every couple weeks.

These breakages may be fixed only by a smuggler with slicing skill equal to or greater than the weapon's customization level. A broken weapon or armor piece is de-equipped and cannot be used until fixed by a smuggler. Examining the item displays its customization level, its percentage chance of breaking (usually quite small), and whether it is broken or not.

Each item (weapons/armor) will have a set of customization categories. Each category will require a number of slices of increasing value in order to get the full value of the category. These slices must be applied in order. For example, a weapon will have a category called “Increase Firing Rate” which has a maximum of 4 slices, each of increasing quality. Each of these slices then has a cost and results in an increase in firing rate.

Here is a list of the new slices:


* Increase Firing Rate
* Enhanced Damage
* Increased Critical Hit Chance


* Enhanced Resilience
* Impact Deflections
* Hardening (Crit save chance)
* Armor Break Defense

Sehr interessante Detailsachen vom UI, endlich nächster Teil des QuestArcs und endlich etwas Liebe für unsere Smugglerfreunde.

Aber Teufel im Detail:



* Entertainers will now heal players from a greater distance.

Erhöht die Chance nicht mit deinem Entertainer nahe in Kontakt kommen zu müssen.


Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 11:32

Noch ne Info zum Smugglerupdate:

Es werden keine Slicing-Tools mehr benötigt. So zumindest aktuell auf dem Tc.




Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 11:48


Original von Burath
Noch ne Info zum Smugglerupdate:

Es werden keine Slicing-Tools mehr benötigt. So zumindest aktuell auf dem Tc.

Also damals bei der ersten Ankündigung war von einem "all in one" Tool die rede für das Slicing-Game. Hat sich da was geändert?


Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 11:50

Smuggler - Information will be posted shortly!!! =P

waaas soll das will nun wissen was is!

Sjille A'Okri



Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 12:09

Lorm Du bist ein Blindfisch sondersgleichen :D

Sperr mal Deine vom Sockengestank getrübten Augen auf...steht doch schon alles da über'n Schmuggler


Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 12:45

klappe sjille :D

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Lorm« (22. June 2005, 12:46)

Adha Ilcava



Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 14:08

Könnte mir vorstellen, dass mit diesem Puplish erneut ein "final respec" kommt.:pc:


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden


Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 15:12


Original von Adha Ilcava
Könnte mir vorstellen, dass mit diesem Puplish erneut ein "final respec" kommt.:pc:

Dann wirds ein Running-Gag ;)
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?


Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 16:35

wie krieg ich das scheiss fenster eigentlich wech?? klicke immer auf later...later...later...


Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 16:45

Geht nur weg wenn du ihn benützt leider :(

Aber vorsicht - falls du das vorhast nur "/respec" und gleich wieder "okay" ohne was an den Skills zu ändern - irgendwie ist da wohl was buggy und manchmal bekommt man nicht alle Skills die man möchte oder zu wenige Punkte raus beim respeccen so dass man sein altes Template nicht mehr erreichen kann)


Wednesday, 22. June 2005, 17:34

watt? X(

dann leb ich mit dem later...later....later....later

Sjille A'Okri



Friday, 24. June 2005, 01:14

Naja naja...will man als Schmuggler nun vernünftig slicen...muß man auch schon anfangen diverse Mobs...Dungeons abzucampen....ob daß so das Wahre ist?

Ich seh es schon kommen..."Slicing your Components...3 Million Credits"

Weil die Zeit die der Schmuggler damit verbracht hat das Teil zu bekommen...will ja bezahlt werden
?( :hm2: :hm1: