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Thursday, 3. November 2005, 09:43

03.11.2005 - New Game Enhancements

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I. Introducing 9 New Iconic Professions – Live the Saga!

Each profession is based on several of the most popular Star Wars characters, giving players the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of their favorite Star Wars heroes… or villains. Developing a character in the chosen profession is still based on story-driven adventuring, questing, and acquiring new skills.

• Bounty Hunter = Boba Fett

Bounty Hunters chase the worst foes in the galaxy. You will learn to use whatever dirty tricks you must to bring your prey down.

When someone needs an enemy taken care of, they hire Bounty Hunters to do their dirty work. Tracking down and eliminating people are what Bounty Hunters do best. As a Bounty Hunter, you must learn the tricks of ambush and assault so your prey does not escape.

General Skills:

+ Ranged Combat
+ Bounty Hunting
+ Melee Combat
+ Capture Techniques


+ Ambush - high-damage special ranged attack
+ Razor Net – slows your opponent's movement and damages him, too!
+ Merciless Onslaught – very high damage attack

• Commando = Commander Cody

Need an AT-ST destroyed? Call a Commando! Need a base blown up? The Commando is the one for you!

A true combat specialist, the Commando uses heavy weaponry and demolitions to break through resistance. Whether you prefer to get in close or fight at range, Commandos wreak havoc with their powerful weapons.

General Skills:

+ Ranged Combat
+ Melee Combat
+ Grenades
+ Demolitions Techniques


+ Heavy Weapons
+ Explosives
+ E-Mag Mine – this special drops an explosive charge that detonates when your enemy steps on it

• Entertainer = Oola

What cantina would be complete without a stellar band on stage and a dancer or two gyrating to the music? All the fame of top musicians and dancers can be yours!

Top entertainers can inspire people to do their best, allow them to relax and enjoy a drink at the bar, or give them an internal rhythm to follow throughout their day.


+ Dancing
+ Musicianship
+ Image Design

• Jedi = Luke Skywalker

Jedi are Force Sensitive beings that can use their Force powers to over-come and control their enemies and can master the art of fighting with a lightsaber. Force Sensitive individuals feel a connection to the energy that surrounds all living things and binds the galaxy together.

General Skills:

• Lightsaber Combat

• Force Powers

• Meditation


• Block Blaster Bolts – Block Blaster bolts using a Force powered lightsaber.

• Force Lightning – Call down the Force power of lightning to weaken your opponent's strength during battle.

Medic = 2-1B

Medics use the powerful healing properties of bacta to keep others alive before, during and after combat. Their remarkable knowledge of anatomy and medicines allow them to counter the detrimental effects of toxins, diseases, and vertigo.

The nature of war dictates that Medics also know how to fight. Some medics use their medicinal knowledge to poison or disease while others fight with blasters.

General Skills :

+ Ranged Combat
+ Healing – the only Profession that can heal other players
+ Poisons and Diseases


+ Nerve Gas Canister – area effect that poisons all opponents
+ Group Revive – ability to revive an entire group
+ Malevolent Insight – using your knowledge of anatomy to make your opponent's more susceptible to damage

• Officer = Princess Leia

Do you think you have what it takes to be an Officer? Can you handle the responsibility of other people's lives? Are you calm in a crisis?

Every army needs good leaders to organize the troops and help them perform at their peak! Whether Imperial or Alliance , if you want to be an officer, you will learn how to lead a squad and how to fight. You will keep your squad alive, no matter how hostile the terrain.

General Skills:

• Ranged Combat

• Group Buffs

• Sniper Techniques


• Orbital Strike – the ability to call in heavy fire down from the sky

• Resupply Command – that initiates a Shuttle to drop off more stim packs, grenades, food and other supplies

• Blaze of Glory – heavy damage attack

• Smuggler = Han Solo

Smugglers make their living dealing with the scum and villainy of the galaxy. While moving stolen goods, having a blaster at your side and knowing how to get out of sticky situations will keep you alive.

Smugglers can fight without weapons as easily as with a pistol. Who knows when a cantina disagreement will get ugly? With the Smuggler's clientele, you would be wise to know how and when to fight dirty.

General Skills:

+ Melee Combat
+ Ranged Combat
+ Dirty Tricks Techniques


• Fence Goods – allows them to sell goods anywhere in the galaxy

• Tendonslicer – direct damage attack that slows the opponent's movement so that you can escape

• Spy = Leia as Bounty Hunter Boussh

Some operatives favor subtlety over grandiose pistol-waving intimidation. Spies use their training to blend in with a crowd, sneaking up quietly on targets to accomplish their missions. As they are often on their own, Spies have a rudimentary knowledge of first aid to keep themselves alive.

General Skills:

+ Ranged Combat
+ Stealth and Sneak
+ Assassinate


+ Smoke Bomb – area effect that allows you to blind your enemies during escape
+ Spy's Fang – Poison attack that disables your opponent
+ Steal loot from enemies

• Trader = Lando Calrissian

A noble profession for those that like to work with their hands, Traders craft items and then sell what they craft to eager folks that need items that they make. Credits can flow into a shrewd Trader's hands if they follow the desires of the market.

Traders tend to specialize in one of four fields: Domestic Goods, Structures, Munitions, or Engineering.


+ Resource Acquisition
+ Crafting

How do the nine new professions relate to the existing profession templates?

Knowing this could be a difficult transition for many of our players, we have lined-up several options to help make this as easy as possible. First, you will be allowed to choose any one of the nine professions and transition to that profession at a level commensurate with your current level. For example, if you are maxed-out at level 80, you will transition over as a level 80 character into your profession of choice. Veterans (all players having started their characters before the enhancements are introduced) will receive nine review (“re-spec”) opportunities that allow them to sample the new professions before making a final decision. This gives everyone the opportunity to try out each of the new professions at least once at their current skill level. In the event you are unhappy with your choice of profession, you can “re-spec” and try out one of the others until you find the one you like best or until you are at your final opportunity.

**IMPORTANT** Note that there are a total of ten (10) re-spec charges (opportunities), but one is “used-up” on the initial transition, so players will then have nine charges left after choosing their initial iconic profession.

How do the iconic profession paths work?

As part of the transition process you will receive 9 options to try out the nine different new professions. There is also an in-game video that highlights each of the special skills and abilities of the selected professions (also available on our web site in the new player section).

Once you have decided on a profession, simply select it and re-allocate/”re-spec” your existing skill points (for current players) within your new chosen profession. From there, you can begin taking quests and earning experience (XP), you can then use to purchase the next skill on your path.

In the event you aren't happy with your chosen profession, don't worry – you can ”re-spec” your existing skill points up to nine times, excluding your initial chosen profession.

Can anyone become a Jedi?

Yes, anyone can follow the path of the Jedi but like all professions mastery will require time and experience. The new Jedi profession will be equal in combat effectiveness with the other professions. It will still however deliver on the promise of the Star Wars Jedi mystique and will allow players to “live” as Jedi in the world of Star Wars Galaxies.

II. New Fast-Action Combat

What do you mean by "fast-action"?

Combat is now more action-oriented and feels like the action-packed combat depicted in the Star Wars movies – the new system is about 4 times faster than the current combat interaction. Movement speeds are fast and weapons fire at incredibly high rates of speed. These high rates of speed for movement and combat bring the Star Wars Galaxies combat experience to life and put players in control of every move and swing of a weapon.

However, ranged combat is not the only way to enjoy this great feature – melee combatants will also attack in similar fashion using the same keyboard and mouse functionality.

How will I control my character with this new type of combat?

To engage a target you will simply left-click on the target and right-click to use a special-attack, command, or item.

In combat, what view can I use?

Players can enjoy all existing camera views including First-Person and Isometric (overhead), plus now players can choose to the exciting new Third-Person (over-the-shoulder) view.

III. More Loot!

When you say, "We're adding more treasure and loot to SWG", what do you mean?

The best reward for completing quests and adventures in addition to XP is loot! Now, many quests will yield rewards that will aid players in the next leg of their journey, such as a more powerful weapon or piece of armor that will help them better hold their ground against the tougher challenges ahead. Additionally, the rewards and loot will often be tailored to your chosen profession. However, not all quests will yield such rewards, but many will.

What is "special effect-based creature loot"?

“Special effect-based creature loot” is a new type of item that can be looted from, you guessed it -- creatures. This is a new category of loot available to all characters and includes special effect buffs, cool damage effects, and other benefits that add variety and value to the loot pool. At first, this will only be on the new loot items.

IV. New Veteran Player Loyalty Rewards

We are offering current active characters several loyalty bonus items in recognition of their status in the game community as valued veterans.

• Elder Buff – Increases to combat abilities, this buff can be shared with new players.

• Elder Title – In recognition of your status in the game as a valued veteran player.

• Profession Re-Allocation Option – All characters active prior to the introduction of the new game enhancements will receive a total of 9 re-allocation options or charges attached to their character to allow the player to test out each of the new professions once before choosing the final path.

• Jedi Bonus Items – Power-enhanced Jedi Robe and Lightsaber color crystal and the opportunity to play as transcended blue glowing Jedi character.

• 10 Additional Combat Levels – New combat levels to explore from level 80 – 90.

V. New Ways to Earn Experience (XP)

There are now 3 simple types of experience points to acquire: Combat, Crafting and Social.

You said, "the three fundamental types of experience points are Combat XP, Crafting XP and Social XP". What does that mean?

Previously in Star Wars Galaxies, there were many different kinds of experience points and multiple ways to develop skills in different professions all at once. This system was confusing and made it hard for players to see the pay-offs in any one specific skill area.

We have since refined the XP system, now there are 3 ways to earn XP: combat, crafting, and social activities. So, engaging in any type of combat will earn you combat XP, crafting something will earn you crafting XP and when you engage in game related social activities you will earn social XP. The game play focus is on fun and this new XP system motivates players to spend less time wandering around and more time interacting with others and having fun!

VI. No More Item Decay

Item decay has been completely removed from the game.

Can you explain a little more about how Damage and Decay will work?

This part of the death penalty has been removed from Galaxies.


I. General Questions

Why are you making such dramatic changes to a live game?

Enhancements to a live game are never easy to introduce or implement. We have received feedback over the years through research, focus groups, community forums and anecdotal encounters that our game was very complex - many people never made it past the early levels. For that reason, we embarked on this significant redesign of our beginning game to make it more fun and more of a true Star Wars adventure. Once those changes were completed the results were so startlingly positive, in terms of the game play experience that we wanted to bring this level of fun to the rest of the game.

We want current players to stay with us and play through the new systems. To make this happen we are offering current players several exclusive loyalty rewards including the opportunity to try the new content paths, receive profession specific bonus items, explore 10 new advanced levels and an Elder Buff. This is a journey that we believe is necessary to grow the game and we want our community to understand why we feel that way and we want them to “try” the enhanced game before making any final decisions.

How will these changes affect the veteran players?

Research and focus group testing shows that these changes are exactly what players want – more Star Wars adventure – more fun! Players want to focus on the game play and not the game mechanics and interfaces. What we've heard from high level players is that they want fewer obstacles to advancement and more opportunities – the new special abilities, the introduction of 10 new levels to advance through and master, the inclusion of a more loot and item rewards, more directed, story-driven questing and the streamlined progression path all offer these types of improvements. The wide-range appeal will help us continue to grow our community which offers veteran players a more vibrant game world in which to play. The more players there are in the game, the more PvP opportunities, the larger your guild can be, the more players you can adventure with and the possibilities go on from there. We feel confident that if our current players try the new systems they will stay with us.

How will these changes affect my character's in-game items?

Your in-game items and collectibles that are non-combat related won't be affected at all. Player housing, vehicles, collectibles and other items will remain completely intact and transition with your character. Some of your combat related items may change with respect to the relative value of their stats based on your level and the profession path you choose to pursue. Most in-game items are being converted so that they fit with the new fast-action style of combat and overall gameplay and we have made our best effort to ensure these items' existing effectiveness is equivalent once you transition to a new path.

Are you going to host a server with the original rules set?


Without Bio-Engineers how will players disable GCW bases?

Bio-Engineers are no longer required in order to disable GCW bases.

Will I still earn Faction points the same way?

Yes, you will earn faction points for engaging in combat with your enemies

Why don't we use skill trainers to buy skills anymore?

The primary goal of the new game enhancements is to increase the fun factor and bring the Star Wars adventure alive in-game. The Trainer experience is not one that maximizes either fun or Star Wars excitement and therefore we put the focus on questing, adventuring and socializing to help players advance and earn skills.

So then how do I gain a skill?

When you have earned enough experience points for a skill within your profession you are granted that skill. When you have earned enough experience points to gain a combat level, your combat level is increased. This is a departure from the existing system which was far more complex and forced you to acquire experience points, "spend" them on a chosen skill, and then the system calculated your combat level based on the experience point costs of all the skills you had acquired. Now combat level is based solely on experience points earned – simple, easy, fun and less time spent wandering around looking for trainers and more time living the Star Wars saga!

How will group XP work?

Groups will earn XP faster and so will solo adventurers. Groups hunting creatures and killing NPC's will get the sum total of experience points for the NPC's and creatures killed by the group. This experience total is then divided by the number of players in the group. All players in a group going on quests will earn the full amount of quest experience points available and advancement in the game will be based mostly on quest XP – which means more fun and faster advancement.

II. Combat Questions

Why is combat changing?

The existing game featured a turn-based style of combat that did not truly capture the spirit of Star Wars nor was it particularly engaging. The new action combat system more closely resembles the fast-paced action-packed combat depicted in the Star Wars movies.

What will happen to current armor, clothing, and skill modifiers?

Most, but not all of these items and modifiers are being converted to work within the new combat system.

Will there still be PvP combat?

Absolutely as it's one of our players' favorite features – and one of the most fun!

III. Character Classes and Professions Questions

Why would you eliminate any of the existing professions?

Today our player professions by percent of masters is significantly skewed to the core combat professions as a very small proportion of our player (less than 1% of players) choose to master the professions of Bio Engineer or Creature Handler. For this reason, we are putting the focus where the majority of our players are putting their game-play investment -- on the core profession paths. However, there are some elements of these professions incorporated into several of the new professions. Players who were Bio Engineers will be interested in the new Trader or Medic professions as these two both incorporate some crafting abilities. These changes will reinvigorate the game world, bring the excitement of the movies alive in-game and put the player into a more active role.

What is happening to my character if my class isn't listed on the 9 types of new iconic professions?

We recommend that you choose the new iconic profession type that most closely matches your existing skill set and interests. Remember, we have included elements of several professions in each of the “new” professions, so you may find overlap in skills from your current class with the new professions. That said, we encourage players to explore all of the professions during your free review/re-spec period (until your 9 re-spec opportunities have been used).

What are these new “iconic professions”?

The new character advancement paths are based on professions of 9 legendary Star Wars heroes:

* Bounty Hunter (Based on Boba Fett)
* Commando (Based on Commander Cody)
* Jedi (Based on Luke Skywalker)
* Medic (Based on 2-1B)
* Smuggler (Based on Han Solo)
* Officer (Based on Princess Leia)
* Spy (Based on Princess Leia as the Bounty Hunter Boussh)
* Entertainer (Based on Oola)
* Trader (Based on Lando Calrissian)

Will this new profession system help me make sense of the advancement system?

Definitely – that's the main reason we decided to enhance the profession development system. It is now much easier as you can view the steps you will need to take and skills you will need to learn in order to become a master of your chosen profession. Another addition with this new system is a single total experience point bar (XP bar) on your screen that fills-up as you earn XP from quests, defeating enemies and other NPC's, as well as other adventures. When the experience bar fills up, you will see that you have gained a combat level and earned the chance to learn some great new skills and abilities.

What if I have a fully developed character?

All current players will be given the chance to sample all the new professions before choosing one. Each veteran player (existing characters active in-game prior to the introduction of the enhancements) will receive a “re-spec” (change or revise a character's basic skills and abilities) token with ten uses/charges to provide the opportunity to try any and all of the professions once before making your final choice. Currently, there is no time limit for when to use the “re-spec” tokens – players will use of them until all of the opportunities have been used. As an additional bonus, all current active characters will be able to begin advancing through new levels as we are adding 10 levels to the combat advancement system, level 80 – 90.

What's happening to my Jedi character?

Jedi will be able to choose any of the nine iconic new professions, including the Jedi profession. Regardless of a veteran Jedi's (existing active Jedi characters prior to the introduction of the game enhancements) re-spec choice the character will gain items and abilities that will represent the original accomplishments achieved by that character. These include specifically, the ability to take on the transparent Blue form of an ascended Jedi, a special Robe that is endowed with protective properties, and an exclusive new lightsaber with a unique color that deals more damage. All of these new items are being given to existing Jedi characters in recognition for their past achievements.

Will crystals and pearls still be used in lightsabers?

Yes, you will still be able to use crystals and pearls to upgrade lightsabers.

Will I still have to go to the Force Sensitive Village to be Force Sensitive?

No. Being a Jedi character will no longer require you to complete the Force Sensitive Village series of quests. There will be quests and adventures created specifically for the Jedi path that you will need to pursue in order to progress on the Jedi path.

Do you still plan to have a Force Ranking System?

Not at this time.

What is the future of entertainers?

Entertainers are included as one of the nine iconic professions. However, we have rolled musician, dancer, and image designer all into this one new Entertainer template. A master entertainer will have the skills of all three.

How will these changes affect my Entertainer character?

Entertainer will be included as one of the new iconic professions, and should be relatively unchanged in terms of abilities.

Are crafters being phased out?

Absolutely not, especially considering Galaxies has one of the deepest and most engaging crafting systems of any game that offers one. We are still supporting crafting, but as a profession unto itself included in the nine iconic professions (Trader). What is really fantastic about crafting now is that we are allowing for skill branching within the crafting profession so that crafters can specialize in certain skills and thus help maintain the diverse Galaxies economy.

What is the future of crafters?

Crafters will continue to be the foundation of the diverse and extensive player-driven economy in Star Wars Galaxies.

If I have the politician skill set, which character should I choose?

All players get to keep their politician skills as they will remain unchanged. Any of the nine iconic professions can also learn the politician skills in addition to the skills of their chosen profession as there is no skill associated with the politician profession.

IV. Interface

Will there be a new manual so I know how to use the new controls?

Yes, we will be updating the online and in-game Knowledge Base as well as revamping all of the information on our website – along with a great new look! Since the new controls are so much more accessible and easier to pick-up than before, we are confident you will be able to familiarize yourself with the new controls very quickly.

Will the Quest Journal be changing?

Many new quests are being added into the game at all levels by profession. For current players, depending on your current level and what profession you chose to “re-spec” to you may find new quests to pursue along your new path. All players will find that quests now come to them via interaction with iconic Star Wars heroes and other NPC's, as well as by traveling to legendary Star Wars locations. The game is more quest focused offering players more of a designed path to follow while adventuring and advancing.

How will the existing titles on my character window be affected?

Veterans will maintain the ability to display any title they have earned over their SWG career. New characters that enter the galaxy will only have access to the titles supported by the nine new iconic professions.

Will Bounty Hunter missions and other missions still be located on my datapad?

Yes, you will still see mission terminal quests on your datapad. However, there will no longer be Bounty Hunter missions that target other players, they are only NPC based going forward, and these will appear in your Quest Journal.




Thursday, 3. November 2005, 09:49

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Mhair'gead« (3. November 2005, 09:52)


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden


Thursday, 3. November 2005, 09:56

Wunderbar, da bist du mir ein paar Sekunden zuvor gekommen ;)

Ich wollte der unübersichtlichen Diskussion in den anderen Foren aus dem Weg gehen und hier eine eigenen eröffnen.

Ich möchte versuchen, ein paar Dinge für mich zusammen zu fassen...

  • ADKs sind nun sowohl in Credits, als auch als Belohnung für Veteranspieler nichts mehr wert, da das Itemdecay komplett aus dem Spiel entfernt wird.
  • Wie hoch ist die Nachfrage nach bestimmten Craftinggoods, die nun aufgrund des fehlenden Decays nicht mehr verbraucht werden? Die enorme Vielfalt und Tiefe des Craftingsystems war bisher immer eine Stärke von SWG, mal sehen, was davon übrig bleibt.
  • Veteranplayers bekommen neun Respeccs, um sich aus den verbleibenden neun Professionen (Vielfalt ist ja viel zu unübersichtlich) die passende auswählen zu können. Wird man aber danach auch noch seine Professionen per XP-Gewinn wechseln können? Wenn nein fände ich das fast schon Betrug. Man ist auf nur einen Char pro Server beschränkt, da sollte man doch wohl wenigstens immer wechseln können.
  • Wird man denn überhaupt noch individuell skillen können, Kombinationen der Professionen haben können, oder ist man wirklich auf eine Auswahl von neun Professionen beschränkt? Abwechslung und Vielfalt ist schon was lästiges.
  • Apropos ein Char pro Server; was ist mit den zweiten Charslots der Jedi, da nun ja jeder Jedi als Startprofession wählen kann?
  • Was ist mit den Jedi, die ich zwar nie leiden konnte, die aber dennoch Monate und Jahre in die Entwicklung ihres Chars gesteckt haben?
  • Der ganze Kram soll schon am 15.(!!!) online gehen, womit 99% der Comm total vor den Kopf gestoßen werden - von wegen Teilhabe an der Weiterentwicklung.

Ich suche gleich nochmal ein Posting des Scout Correspondenten und hängs hier rein, das ich wirklich beachtlich finde...

Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden


Thursday, 3. November 2005, 09:57


To the Developers,

While I cannot claim that I speak on behalf of the entire community, I do believe that my comments here will reflect much of what most of the veterans of this game feel at the release of the upcoming "game enchancements" information today.

To start off, for those who don't know me, I am a veteran SWG player. I tracked the game prior to release, and pre-ordered the Collector's Edition on the first day. I have played this game since day one. I own three accounts, all of which I have leveled myself. One is a Jedi, the others are non-Jedi characters. Two of those accounts are currently active (for the time being). I served as the Scout Correspondent from July 2003 until February of 2005, being the second longest serving Correspondent in the game. I attended the first Fan-fest in Anaheim (I live in Washington, DC) and I attended the Correspondent Summit in Austin, where I met Julio, Tiggs, and reintroduced myself to many of the rest of the design team that I had met at Fan-fest, including Thunderheart, Keldarin, GreenMarine (no longer with SOE) and many others. I alpha tested Jump-to-Lightspeed, and beta tested Rage of the Wookies and the Trials of Obi-Wan. I do believe that all of these experiences lend significant emphasis and credability to the opinions I want to express here.

I have reviewed the FAQ, as well as Julio's letter to the community. While it took a while to understand the magnitude of what is happening here, I have come to grips with it.

These game changes, in my opinion, represent a serious breach of trust with the community and fail to take into account the efforts that the veterans of this community have made in the game.

It is a slap in the face to announce these changes - changes which may take effect within three weeks or less to the game - ONE DAY after a new expansion that many of us have purchased copies of, some multiple copies of, was released. The dust has not even settled on The Trials of Obi-Wan, and now we are being presented with changes that will completely change the way the game looks, feels and is played. In my mind, this is little better than a virtual bait-and-switch perpetrated on the entire community.

I am well aware of the development process, thanks to my work as a Correspondent. I know that these changes must have been in the pipeline for months, particularly if all of the coding will be completed in less than one months time. The Combat Balance/Upgrade/Revamp that I assisted with and helped to shape in Austin at the Summit and throughout the process took over a year and half to develop, code and complete. Yet this entire process was done in secret, including all of the PR preparations made by Tiggs and the SOE Community Relations staff, and sprung on the community without an inkling two days after the expansion was released.

In real life, I'm a lobbyist, and I've been working in Washington for 10 years. So I've seen a lot of conspiracy theories come and go. And If I were a cynic, I would say that this was a carefully timed announcement, designed to hit the community right after the expansion was released, so that SOE and LEC could have gotten the money for the expansion from as many veterans as possible, hoping that that capital would keep the game going through the massive wave of cancellations from those same veterans when changes of this magnitude were announced. And once all the veterans are gone, marketing could focus on bringing new players to the game, who had no knowledge of the previous two years and wouldn't have a problem with what you've done here. I hope to God that that's just the anger talking here, because if any part of what I've said is just true, it would represent the biggest rip-off of an entire gaming community in the history of the gaming industry.

I feel cheated and ripped off. And I think I speak for a large portion of the community when I say that.

And this is how I feel strictly based on the timing of the announcement. The actual changes you are proposing are worse.

Changes of this magnitude, less than 6 months after changes of a similiar magnitude, make it hard for me to accept that this game will still be Star Wars Galaxies. If anything, these game enchancements seem to be attempting to turn SWG into some kind of amalgamation of World of Warcraft, Planetside and Knights of the Old Republic. This isn't why I play SWG, and isn't why I've stuck with this game for two years.

And while I recognize that we veterans will receive "elder" buffs and status in the game, that's not enough. How do you begin to repay someone for the hundreds and thousands of hours they've spent playing this game, building up credits, skills, guilds, equipment, etc. and then wiping away everything they've accomplished in less than a month? I can't tell you the number of days I've taken off work to play SWG, or ignored a deadline or got an extension on a project just to stay out a bit later in a great XP group. All of that is for naught - you are invalidating most of what I've accomplished in the game in two years and in return, I get a special buff. That's not enough.

Rangers were promised a complete revamp less than a month ago, with outlines and changes that got many of them excited about the game again. Now, Rangers have been removed. The profession that I advocated on behalf of for nearly two years, Scout, is gone. The hours and hours I spent writing and rewriting guides for the community on the profession are now worthless.

And worse than the fact that the changes can't begin to compensate for what I'm losing, you're destroying what has kept most people in this game as long as we've been here - the community.

And its already happening. I recently cancelled my World of Warcraft account (even after the news of their new expansion) to come back to SWG full time, and one of the main reasons I cited was the community. My guild on Bloodfin, which is comprised of approximately 60 players with probably close 150 accounts all-together has almost fallen apart IN THE SPAN OF FIVE HOURS. Just looking through my ventrilo, I see people with comments of "5 accounts cancelled", "3 accounts cancelled", "Anybody want to buy 100 mill credits", "3 Jedi for sale cheap, will take food for trade". These are all veteran gamers, guild leaders, beta testers, the kinds of players that MMO designers listen to and make games specifically for - and they're all unhappy. Not a single person I've spoken to is happy right now.

This entire process is fatally flawed. It's flawed because there have been consistent promises made to this community by the Community Relations staff that major changes to the game would be discussed in the community and that we would have some kind of say over them. There's a reason why there are "In Dev", "In Testing" and "In Concept" forums on these boards. But they weren't used here.

Do you even understand the magnitude of what you're doing? If you don't right now, you will when you get the metrics back on how many accounts were cancelled today.

Stop this process now. Get community feedback. Ignore the focus groups and the exit polls and LISTEN to your community. Focus groups and polling is all well and good - I use it myself. But nothing beats getting out in and amongst the actual people who play this game and hearing what they think about this. Make these changes gradual. Do them a little at a time, so that people can get used to them and integrate them into their playstyle. The game was made in a day, it doesn't need to be remade in a day.

Better yet, don't go forward with the changes at all - save them for Star Wars Galaxies II - The Search for More Money. (I hope you all get the reference).

For the sake of all of us who have put so much into this game, and even for those players who simply log in once in a while, kill a few stormtroopers but pay their $15 a month for it, reconsider these changes and allow the community a chance to respond and contribute to the process.

This is our game. It is our money and it is our free time. Respect us. Give us the opportunity to affect this process in a meaningful, cooperative way. It is the very least that we have earned through our dedication and loyalty to this game.


Jedi w Politician w Epic Roleplay Carebear
Tarkin Memorial Brigade Founder w Fight Club Propagandist
AXIS Meatshield w RIVAL Glow Stick Waver
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?

Cijj Jodaij



Thursday, 3. November 2005, 10:03

Ich überlege was ich nach SWG spielen könnte.


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden


Thursday, 3. November 2005, 10:04

Ich werde meinen Account erst einmal kündigen, mir aber die Veränderungen sowohl auf dem TC als auch Online ansehen und mir da dann ein Bild davon machen.

Damit möchte ich einfach mit ein Zeichen setzen, dass es so mit der Brechstange nicht gehen kann, es gibt sicher diesmal ne heftigste Masse.



Passenderweise hab ich den Account am 15.11.03 aktiviert und nun läuft er erstmal zum 18.11. aus.
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?

Cijj Jodaij



Thursday, 3. November 2005, 10:11

Verneige dich vor deiner Entschlossenheit.
Momentan zweifle ich noch, ob ich im momentanen Zustand emotionaler Erregung eine solche Entscheidung treffen sollte.




Thursday, 3. November 2005, 10:30

Ich bin einfach nur gefrustet. Das tötet alles, was mir wirklich wichtig ist bei SWG. Die Leute mit denen ich Chatte und Spiele. :(
Cancel klingt für mich überhaupt nicht abwegig.


Thursday, 3. November 2005, 10:48

Tiggs hat ein paar fragen beantwortet.

Developer Questions 2-Nov-05


1. Will I be able to change my species?

2. What will happen to all the resources?
Resources will be unaffected by the new game enhancements.

3. Is the character sheet changing?
Yes, the character sheet is being adapted to the new profession roadmap.
4. I am a Creature Handler - what will happen to my pets?
Any pets level 10 and above will remain in your datapad. Only pets level 10 and under can still be called.
5. Is lightsaber crafting changing?
Yes, The crystal components of lightsaber crafting have been removed.
6. Have the stats on crystals/pearls changed
Yes, they have been adapted to function with the new combat system.
7. Is crystal/pearl tuning changing?
No, however the stats on the crystals have changed.


1. Are all the combat abilities going away?
All combat abilities are brand new to fit the new fast-action system. Entertainer, Trader, Pilot, and Politician abilities will remain unchanged.
2. How are weapons changing in the new system (stats, relevant usage, etc.)?
Weapons now have two stats – damage and range. Some select weapons have an elemental damage value added.
3. Does the combat system still hit specific locations on a target.
4. What are the new stats for characters and how do they generally work?
* Strength: Melee attack stat – increases damage
* Precision: Ranged attack stat – increases damage
* Agility: General defense in combat – reduces damage
* Stamina: Increases action
* Constitution: Increases health
* Luck: Will be explained more in-depth at a later time.


1. Will Jedi receive an extra character slot?
2. Will Jedi stil lose XP if slain by a bounty hunter?
3. For those who have gone through and gotten partway through the Force Sensitive Village (FSV), how will their re-spec points be allocated?
The FS village has been removed and Jedi have been included as an iconic profession, so progress in the FS village will not have an impact on the re-spec.
4. As Jedi seem to have more points vested than other players, will those players who were high level Jedi get more re-spec points?
Re-spec is based on combat level (or Skill Point usage in the case of Entertainers and Traders), but we do have some other great incentives for veteran Jedi in recognition of their efforts.


Und nein, canceln klingt für mich auch nicht abwegig.
Die Liebsten bisher, mit denen ich gesprochen habe, denken über´s canceln nach.
Und was hält mich hier, wenn die nettesten Leute gehen?
Die Bugs? Der miese Support? Das ständige vor den Kopf hauen?
Sicher nicht. ^^

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Grivon« (3. November 2005, 10:50)


Thursday, 3. November 2005, 10:58

Ich halte das immer noch fuer einen sehr sehr schlechten und sehr aufwendig gemachten Scherz. Und da dachte ich, ich waere mir meinem zutiefst schwarzen Humor alleine.

Sollte ich in SOE einen Seelenpartner gefunden haben? :D

Oh god, I love the world!




Thursday, 3. November 2005, 11:41

Tja, was soll ich da sagen?
Ich wollte heute nach der ganzen Pauserei meinen Patcher anwerfen und mal wieder mein buiseness anwerfen.
Dann sehe ich DAS.

Zu sagen ich wäre entsetzt ist leicht untertrieben. Schockiert trifft es wohl besser. Nach nur 5 Minuten auf den foren habe ich mein Account auch stillgelegt und Patche nun erst einmal das TC Programm.

Ich will selbst sehen was da passiert und Gottseidank gibt mir der TC die möglichkeit dazu.

Allerdings habe ich kein gutes gefühl, eher befürchte ich, das ich das was ich sehen werde für mein Spielgefühl eine Katastrophe darstellen wird. Mittlerweile bin ich dankbar, das ich durch meine Abwesenheit den Pre Order für die letzte Erweiterung verschlafen habe und so keinen meiner wenigen € dafür hergegeben habe.
Solches Gedankengut ist zwar mehr als Negativ, aber im Moment sehe ich mich ausserstande eine Optimistische Haltung einzunehmen.

Zudem konnte ich in den letzten Tagen einen Blick auf eines der Zukünftigen MMORPGs werfen da ich glücklicherweise als tester akzeptiert wurde.
Alles zusammengenommen macht sich bei mir ein wenig die Panik breit, das SWG so wie ich es kennengelernt habe, und damit meine ich die Spieler nicht das Spiel selbst, nicht erhalten bleibt.
Die zeit mit den Leuten hier war mir wichtig, ich hatte Spassige, Ernste, Ärgerliche, Fröhliche Gespräche und Diskussionen.
Neue Bekanntschaften, virtuelle und echte, neue Einsichten und bestätigung über viele alte.
Und nun steht das auf der Kippe. Irgendwie kann ich mir im moment beim besten willen nicht vorstellen, das dies so bestehen bleibt.

Wenn ich das was ich jetzt geschrieben habe so ansehe muss ich auch feststellen, das ich SWG schon in der vergangenheitsform betrachte :(
Das gefällt mir ebenfalls nicht, aber wie gesagt ich kann im moment einfach keine optimistische Haltung einnehmen.

Ich schaue es mir auf dem TC einmal an. Ich werde mich dann nocheinmal melden.


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden


Thursday, 3. November 2005, 12:05

Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?

Sjille A'Okri



Thursday, 3. November 2005, 12:12

Ich hab das heute Früh gelesen und wußte net ob ich Lachen oder Weinen sollte ?(

Bei einer Sache bin ich mir aber sicher...

Die "Ecke" wird net auseinander gehen...viele/einige von uns werden sich bestimmt in kommenden Spielen wiedersehen.

So weiß ich von einigen, daß sie sich für Dark&Light interessieren...oder D&D...welche auch von Lesan, Anga und mir im Auge behalten werden.

Ich weiß wirklich nicht was SOE da reitet...und ich wünsch mir so ne Knallermeldung, daß SOE die Lizenz von Lucas entzogen bekommt.

Zum Glück habe ich diesmal den Account komplett gecancelt und nicht wie bei meiner Pause damals weiterbezahlt ohne zu spielen.

Bist Du aktuell wieder im TS Rocky?
Wir sind nämlich ma für ne Weile in Skype wieder gewechselt...weil wir ja nur noch zu dritt waren.
Würde uns freuen, Dich wieder zu hören...denke da kann ich ruhig für die anderen beiden mitsprechen.

Ach Moment laufen wir ein wenig in der Stadt der Schurken umher...unsere Vereinigung der Superschurken nennt sich "Syndicate of Evil" kurz S.o.E. :D


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden


Thursday, 3. November 2005, 12:15


Original von Sjille A'OkriAch Moment laufen wir ein wenig in der Stadt der Schurken umher...unsere Vereinigung der Superschurken nennt sich "Syndicate of Evil" kurz S.o.E. :D

Das hört sich wirklich mal interessant an!
Ich hatte nen Beta-Account, der aber offenbar nichtmal fünf Tage lang gültig war.
Aber ich würds mir schon gerne mal angucken.
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?

Sjille A'Okri



Thursday, 3. November 2005, 12:18

Das Feine daran is vor allem, daß Du mit einem Account...also dem alten City of Heroes Account...wenn Du dort City of Villains als Add On hinzufügst...zahlst Du nur eine Gebühr im Monat und kannst beide Spiele spielen.

Es geht auch alles über das CoH-Launchpad...die Charslots wurden auf 12 erweitert und wenn Du nen neuen Char machst wirst gefragt ob Held oder Schurke.

Sind viele lustige neue Sachen dabei...Lesan dreht vollkommen ab mit seinem Mastermind...Zombie-Linie...nur am rumblödeln mit den Viechern is der.

Man kann die Pets sprechen lassen...Emotes machen und alles :D


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden


Thursday, 3. November 2005, 12:34

Und noch ein Bildchen ;)
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?

Any Nightshift



Thursday, 3. November 2005, 13:20

Bestätigt nochmals, wie schade es ist, dass SWG nicht das geworden ist, was alle erhofft haben. Zum Teil innovative und grandiose Ideen wurden zu Grunde gerichtet und dieses Upgrade ist eigentlich nur Folge der letzten Monate.

Canceln brauch ich ja nicht mehr, aber nun kann ich SW:G auch wirklich von der Platte löschen. :)


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden


Thursday, 3. November 2005, 15:24



Original von Tiggs

(1) Will I get to keep the alt that I unlocked by already haveing a current jedi?

(2) How many charac ter slots will new players coming in get, so that there will be more than just jedi running around?

Do you understand what I mean? Who is gonna pick commando if they can have a jedi? If we get like 3 characters then yes, i'll have my current jedi, my current BH, and maybe try spy.... If everyone only gets 1 slot, we will all be jedi, wont we...

1. Yes
2. Players will have one character slot.


Original von Tiggs

Ok I saw a post that said we will still only get one toon per server (unless per existing jedi) My question is will we be able to change from one prof our another? Some of us have put alot of time in our toons (some of us years) I would hate to Pick a prof then down the road decide I dont want it and have to delete my toon so I can try something diffrent and lose all my 125 badges, rewards, and most of all my toon. This was my SW pen and paper rpg name and I roleplay my toon the same way. Would hate to lose him becuase I got bored of a prof. And I know some ppl will say make a toon on another server....well all my RL freinds and the ones I made in the game are here not somewhere else.

You will receive 10 respec's which allows you to try each profession then your final decison.

---> Nach neun Respeccs (einer wird für die Umwandlung ins neue System verbraucht) wird es nicht mehr möglich sein, die Profession zu wechseln!
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?


Thursday, 3. November 2005, 15:36

also ich sehs nich so wild. einige dinge, die einen erschaudern lassen andere wo man sieht hey super endlich! ich denke über nen chancel im moment jedenfalls nich nach.

und mit nem fps (first person shooter) hat das neue sowenig zu tun wie dolly buster in ihren besten zeiten mit dem papst. das sind wieder sachen die aus überreaktionen kommen. das system wird mehr wie diabolo

wobei das system etwas abgewandelt wie nen shooter sehr gut bei swg kommen würde. weils einfach realistsischer is.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Lorm« (3. November 2005, 15:39)


Thursday, 3. November 2005, 15:50

ich weiß nicht was ich tun werde. mein erster impuls heißt canceln..ich bin so wütend.
erst wird der CH total umgekrempelt und erneuert mit total neuem system. und in toow werden items angekündigt mit denen ein CH bis lvl 80 tamen kann..

ich komm nach langer pause zurück bin erstmal nicht so begeistert von den CH änderungen ..aber jetzt da ich gerade anfange mich mehr damit zu befassen und wieder spaß daran zu haben (und toow hab ich auch brav gekauft) wird er weggelöscht.

ich komm mir betrogen vor und ich trauere um meinen beruf der für mich damals der grund war swg zu kaufen

ob ich bleibe oder nicht wird letztendlich auch davon abhängen wer von meinen lieben bleibt und wer nicht...