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Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

  • Nachricht senden


Tuesday, 30. May 2006, 14:29

Sportfreunde - Die Frisur von Björn Borg (ich lieb die neue CD von den Sportis - WM Vorfreude pur!!)

Schon in der Schule war ich einer der Guten
Ich war flink und agil und ließ die anderen bluten
Ich war schlau und gerissen
Hilfsbereit und verbissen
Perfekt die Statur und rein mein Gewissen:

Ich hab die Beine von Briegel
Und die Arme von Pfaff
Hab den Geist von Günther Netzer
Habe Mut und auch Kraft
Hab das Gesicht von Hansi Müller
Bin kokett und auch schön
Doch da ist was das mich besorgt:

Ich hab die Frisur von Björn Borg

Auf meine Treter aus Leder
Und mein Trikot aus Madrid
Waren viele Jungs neidisch
Und die Mädchen verrückt
Ich war spendabel per sè
Und willkommen auf jedem Fest
Konnte zaubern wie Pelè
Und trinken wie George Best

Ich hab die Beine von Briegel
Und die Arme von Pfaff
Hab den Charme von Günther Netzer
Und ne Braut in jedem Kaff
Hab das Gesicht von Hansi Müller
Bin kokett und auch schön
Doch da ist was das mich besorgt

Ich war um meinen Kopfschmuck
Wirklich nicht zu beneiden
Also ging ich umgehend mal zum Haareschneiden
Vielleicht die Lockenpracht von Valderama
Del Haye's Matte wär wahrscheinlich
Auch kein Drama
Doch mein Friseur meinte ich wäre der Checker
Mit der Frisur von Boris Becker

Ich hab die Beine von Briegel
Und die Arme von Pfaff
Hab den Charme von Günther Netzer
Und ne Braut in jedem Kaff
Hab das Gesicht von Hansi Müller
Bin kokett und auch schön
Doch da ist was das mich besorgt

... Ich will lieber wieder
Die Frisur von Björn Borg!!!!!!!!!

Achja, übrigens:

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Thursday, 1. June 2006, 17:00

The Cruexshadows - Spectators.

down on the other side of things
the triggers fast and light
bringing home this emptiness
for which you had to fight
it doesn't matter if you're giving
for they do not compromise
the world will keep you guessing
until the day you die

and everyone will say "I told you so"
yeah they'll all just nod and sigh
but I'll make a run at something real
and they'll never even try
and everyone will say "I told you so"
yeah they'll all just nod and sigh
as I go down in a ball of flames
they'll just watch, i wonder why

When the people downtown are freezing
sometimes you cannot hide
so what can you do its often true
then we shift away our eyes
but maybe that moments ours to live
and maybe that's what we were for
as fate will share a chance with you
to open up your door

and everyone will say "I told you so"
yeah they'll all just nod and sigh
but I'll make a run at something real
and they'll never even try
and everyone will say "I told you so"
yeah they'll all just nod and sigh
as I go down in a ball of flames
they'll just watch, i wonder why

I don't understand
why you're just standing there
I don't understand
why you don't seem to care


Wednesday, 7. June 2006, 13:49

The Faint - Agenda Suicide

you could follow logic
or contest it all
the work solution makes the common house a home

the element of progress
that you mention is gone
it de-evolved to something you were headed toward

as i lay to die the things i think
did i waste my time, i think i did- i worked for life

all we want are just pretty little homes
our work makes pretty little homes

like a cast shadow
like a fathers dream
have a cut out son
what's a worse disease
to get that pretty little home

as i lay to die the things i think
i don't want to regret what i did- and work for life

all we want are just pretty little homes
our work makes pretty little homes
agenda suicide, the drones work hard before they die
and give up on pretty little homes

(like a cast shadow)
our work makes pretty little homes
our work makes pretty little homes
agenda suicide, the drones work hard before they die
and give up on pretty little homes

Cijj Jodaij



Thursday, 8. June 2006, 11:21

Killerpilze - Sommer

Der letzte Sommer war komplett fürn Arsch
und der davor genauso beschissen
Keiner hatte Bock mehr raus zu gehn, denn die Sonne hat absolut garnichts gerissen
Doch dieses Jahr wird alles besser, das haben die im Fernsehn gesagt und die haben immer recht!

Endlich wieder Sommer
Endlich wieder Spaß
Endlich wieder Sommer
Endlich wieder Spaß

Alle machen sich obenrum frei, die graue Quälerrei ist entlich vorbei
falsch gedacht jetzt pisst es schon wieder wenns so weitergeht schreiben wir nur noch nette Lieder
doch dieses Jahr wird alles besser und sie haben uns schon wieder verarscht

Entlich wieder Sommer
Entlich wieder Spaß
Entlich wieder Sommer
Entlich wieder Spaß

Entlich wieder Sommer
Entlich wieder Spaß
Entlich wieder Sommer
Entlich wieder Spaß

Entlich wieder Spaß
Entlich wieder Spaß

Entlich wieder Sommer
Entlich wieder Spaß
Entlich wieder Sommer
Entlich wieder Spaß



Sunday, 11. June 2006, 04:23

In einem Anfall von naechtlicher Schlaflosigkeit, ich mal wieder:

Jekyll & Hyde ( The Musical Thriller ) - Girls of the Night

We're the pleasures of the nighttime that fade at dawn,
selling treasures of the nighttime til night is gone.
And then when the party's over, everybody's gone away,
we stare at an empty day - what is there to do or say?

Nighttime is where we live,
night is when we give everything we have to give.
Most lovers can rejoice, we don't have a choice,
we just know we have to give.
That's why the day can never be bright
for the girls of the night.

Somehow I know there's a someday that's just for me.
Everybody has a someday - so why not me?

Lucy, do you really need to fill your heart with empty dreams?
You'll always be what you are - stop chasing that distant star!

Nighttime is where we live,
night is when we give everything we have to give.
Most lovers can rejoice, we don't have a choice,
we just know we have to give.
That's why the day can never be bright
for the girls of the night.

Fly away, fly away, let me find my wings.
Let me be the girl I want to be!

I'm afraid to fly away, for all I have is here.

I have my hopes ...

I have a child, and children must be fed.
Forget your hopes, or you will be misled!
With the dawn they disappear ...

... then why are mine still here?

Fly away, fly away, fly away ...

Ask me to share your fantasies, dear,
but don't ask me where tomorrow is.
Don't ask me where to find happiness,
though I know for sure where sorrow is.

Sorrow is where the dark meets the light ...

Someday I pray my fears will take flight ...

Sorrow is where all hope fades from sight
for the girls of the night ...
We're the girls of the night ...
Just the girls of the night ...

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »July« (11. June 2006, 04:24)

Cijj Jodaij



Sunday, 11. June 2006, 18:51

Manchmal sollte man dann doch mal die Meinung direkt sagen :D
(Entgegen zum Text ist die Musik richtig ruhig und angenehm)

Daniel Cirera - Motherfucker - Fake Vegetarian Ex-Girlfriend

Hey girl what's wrong with your principles?
When you say that you're a vegetarian
Well, I've seen you eat meat a couple of times but
I swear I won’t tell anyone.

And how about the affection for me after I've been
Walking through hell for you?
What the hell did you expect me to do?

I still think that you're a bitch, talking Motherfucker
You’re the worst cock sucker
Swore that you where true to me
Yeah - in my dreams, in my dreams

Ah - I just won't rub it in...

Hey girl what's wrong with your principles?
When you say that you're a vegetarian
Well, I've seen you eat meat a couple of times but
I swear I won’t tell anyone.

And how about the affection for me after I've been
Walking through hell for you?
What the hell did you expect me to do?



Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

  • Nachricht senden


Friday, 16. June 2006, 01:16

Slovo - Killing Me

23 degrees off kilter
Spinning with my cup of tea
Grey skies, sleepy eyes as usual
Morning paper says I’m free

Late again no time to witness
Spring flowers dance on this cold wind
Peeling poster sex reminds me
Why pierced tongue ticket man, just grinned

This is killing me
I feel so alone in this crowd
Is this really me
And will this be my child

Cold cash comfort from my pocket
Lights Eastern European eyes
See little grace in god’s behaviour
But for the grace of me go I

Clocking in while Mr new tie
Tells me things about his wife
Morning coffee three new e-mails
Still waiting for the fax, of life

This is killing me
I feel so alone in this crowd
Is this really me
And will this be my child

I want to see you
I want to feel you

Not the image of you that this journey’s projecting

I want to see you
I want to feel you

Not the Image of you that this journey’s projecting
Not the shadow of you solitude is protecting

This is killing me
I feel so alone in this crowd
Is this really me
And will this be my child



  • »Lorm« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Spiel: iRacing, Shogun 2

Wohnort: Sauerland

  • Nachricht senden


Friday, 16. June 2006, 03:03

yo yo yo its oldschool time yo fuckin bitches yeah yo

an nooow

Gustav Eskuche, Kassel 1891

Alle meine Entchen
schwimmen auf dem See,
schwimmen auf dem See.
Köpfchen in dem Wasser,
Schwänzchen in die Höh.
Köpfchen in dem Wasser,
Schwänzchen in die Höh.

Alle meine Täubchen
gurren auf dem Dach,
gurren auf dem Dach.
Fliegt eins in die Lüfte,
fliegen alle nach.
Fliegt eins in die Lüfte,
fliegen alle nach.

Alle meine Hühner
scharren in dem Stroh,
scharren in dem Stroh.
Finden sie ein Körnchen,
sind sie alle froh.
Finden sie ein Körnchen,
sind sie alle froh.

Alle meine Gänschen
watscheln durch den Grund,
watscheln durch den Grund.
Suchen in dem Tümpel,
werden kugelrund.
Suchen in dem Tümpel,
werden kugelrund.

yoyo fucking great

habs für cijj nen bisschen aufgearbeitet :D
Jeden Montag ab 8:00 Uhr! Sprechstunde
Brustvergrösserung durch Handauflegen. Bei nicht Gelingen zahle ich 5€


Friday, 16. June 2006, 14:24

X-Ray Spex - Art I Ficial.

I know I'm artificial
But don't put the blame on me
I was reared with appliances
In a consumer society

When I put on my make-up
The pretty little mask not me
That's the way a girl should be
In a consumer society

My existence is elusive
The kind that is supported
By mechanical resources

My existence is elusive
The kind that is supported
By mechanical resources

I wanna be instamatic
I wanna be a frozen pea
I wannna be dehydrated
In a consumer society

In a consumer society
In a consumer society

Cijj Jodaij



Friday, 16. June 2006, 19:17

Not Another Teen Movie Cast - Prom Tonight

I wish I didn't made that bet
thats not the guy I want to be
if I could just turn back the clock
then Janey would still be...with me!
tell me mom what should I do
I love this boy
but he has been untrue...
I'll do my best to make things right
I wish we could resolve this fight
it could the prom..TONIGHT!
I'm getting pussy no matter what
even if its with dirty slut
true love is what I want the most
I just jerked off in your french toast

so what if we have the same mother
tonight I'm gonna fuck my brother
I'm gonna make Janey know I exist
Can you believe I still been never been a guy that is
Its really hard to sing if you're in a coma

in a few hours I'll be queen of the prom
I've been an alcholic since my first tour in nam.
I asked Janey to the prom and she doesn't know why
I'm only in this song because I'm a black guy

I have no money I have to make my own dress
look at me my breasts are perky yes....
I'm gonna win her back no matter what it takes
here I go I'm going to forget about jake..

prom tonight du du du du du
prom tonight du du du du du
prom tonight du du du du du
its gonna happen its gonna happen
at the ppppppppppprrrrrrrooooommmmmm.....


Tuesday, 20. June 2006, 01:48

A Flock Of Seagulls - Modern Love Is Automatic.

She's an automatic,
He's a cosmic man,
They will get together.
They should know better by now.

The meet in a garden
Down in old Japan
Where young love's forbidden;
You've got to keep it hidden.

Modern love is automatic,
Modern love is automatic.

Modern love is automatic,
Modern love is automatic.

They locked him away
For twenty years they say.
You won't see him again,
But I know diff'rent.

Modern love is automatic,
Modern love is automatic,
Modern love is automatic,
Modern love is automatic,
Modern love is automatic,
Modern love is

Cijj Jodaij



Tuesday, 20. June 2006, 18:34

Passend zum Deutschen Run :rocktroop:

The Aquabats - Look At Me, I'm A Winner

I've been pushed around like a jailbird
I've been left in a ditch
I never made the cut so to speak
I never even got to warm the bench
But little girl, I know when that whistle blows
You keep me rockin', keep me rockin' baby!
When I'm out on the job site I'm thinkin' that we're gonna be alright
Be alright...

Four radios blastin' classic rock
And they're pointing at you
With your fist raised high
and a hitch and your step
You've got it all
I've got no reason to lie

Look at me look at me look at me I'm a winner (You're a winner)
It's just as simple as that
Don't you agree don't you agree don't you agree that I'm a winner?
(You're a winner!)
You just can't argue with that!

Someone once told me
You can't lose em' all
And that someone was you
But when I nail gunned my hand to the wall
I started to wonder if that could be true
But babe it's me you chose
And when the whistle blows
You keep me rockin', keep me rockin' baby
When I'm out on the job site
I'm thinkin' that we're gonna be alright
Be alright...

Four radios blastin' classic rock
And they're pointing at you
With your fist raised high
and a hitch and your step
You've got it all
I've got no reason to lie

Look at me look at me look at me I'm a winner (You're a winner)
It's just as simple as that
Don't you agree don't you agree don't you agree that I'm a winner?
(You're a winner!)
You just can't argue with that!




Wednesday, 21. June 2006, 11:22

Schon etwas älter aber trotzdem ein fieser Text.

Billy Joel - Pressure

You have to learn to pace yourself

You're just like everybody else

You've only had to run so far
So good
But you will come to a place
Where the only thing you feel
Are loaded guns in your face
And you'll have to deal with

You used to call me paranoid

But even you can not avoid

You turned the tap dance into your crusade
Now here you are with your faith
And your Peter Pan advice
You have no scars on your face
And you cannot handle pressure
All grown up and no place to go
Psych 1, Psych 2
What do you know?
All your life is Channel 13
Sesame Street
What does it mean?

Don't ask for help
You're all alone

You'll have to answer
To your own

I'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationale
But here you are in the ninth
Two men out and three men on
Nowhere to look but inside
Where we all respond to

All your life is Time Magazine
I read it too
What does it mean?

I'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationale
But here you are with your faith
And your Peter Pan advice
You have no scars on your face
And you cannot handle pressure
Pressure, pressure

One, two, three, four

Cijj Jodaij



Wednesday, 21. June 2006, 22:00

Der Titelsong von Eurotrip, der dämlichsten Verballhornung des amerikanischen Vorstellung von Europa - Exzellente Teenkomödie.
Der Song wird im Film von Matt Damon performt, Scotty ist die Hauptfigur, Fiona seine Ex-Freundin und Matt Damon ist der Rocksänger-Neuefreund zur Ex-Freundin :D

Lustra - Scotty Doesn't Know


Scotty doesn't know,
That Fionna and me,
Do it in my van every Sunday.

She tells him shes in church,
But she doesn't go,
Still shes on her knees, and...

Scotty doens't know, oh.
Scotty doesn't know-oh.
So don't tell Scotty!
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.

Fionna says shes out shopping,
But shes under me and I'm not stopping.

Cuz Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.
So don't tell Scotty.
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

I can't believe he's so trusting,
While I'm right behind you thrusting.

Fionna's got him on the phone,
and she's trying not to moan.
It's a three way call,
and he knows nothing.

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty.
Cuz Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

What a show, everyone will go.
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

The, parking lot, why not?
It's so cool when you're on top.
His full on, your stuck.
Life is so hard, cuz...

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know.

I did her on his birthday.

Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty.
Scotty doesn't knoooooow....

Scotty will know,
Scotty has to know,
Scotty's gotta know,
Gonna tell Scotty,
Gonna tell him myself.

Scotty has to know,
Scotty has to know,
Scotty has to,
Scotty has to,
Scotty has to go!

Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty
Scotty doesn't know,
Don't tell Scotty
Scotty doesn't know...
Scotty's gotta go!


Saturday, 24. June 2006, 00:44

Tolle Beats, interessantes Elektro, nette Stimme, schoener Text...

Blutengel - Forever.

"Schmerzen sind noch spürbar,
wenn die Lust bereits vergangen
und vergessen ist."

"Sagt was ihr verlangt!"

I want you for my pleasure
I need you to satisfy my lust
I want you to be my companion
I want you to fly with me through the night

We play this perverted game
We are hunting in the night
We kill for satisfaction
And we need the blood

You have to serve me every night
You will ever be my slave
I want to serve you every night
You will ever be my mistress

I kiss the blood from your burning lips
I lick the blood from your shivering skin
I give you eternal life
That's will never tear us apart

You have to serve me every night
You will ever be my slave
I want to serve you every night
You will ever be my mistress

"Sagt was ihr verlangt!"

In the coldness of your grave
I hold you in my arms... forever
I will give you eternal life... forever
I will give you eternal fuse

In the coldness of your grave
I hold you in my arms... forever
I will give you eternal life... forever
I will give you eternal fuse

I kiss the blood from your burning lips
I lick the blood from your shivering skin
I give you eternal life
That's will never tear us apart

"Stellt euch die Lust vor
dem Leben wiedergegeben zu werden,
zu spüren wie ihr atmet,
euer Herz rast
und pumpt durch eure Venen...

...kochendes Blut."

( man beachtete die Samples und hin und wieder das schmerzhafte leise gestoehne im Background, das ist fuer mich gute Laune Musik, was zum tanzen, Mainstream halt )

Cijj Jodaij



Tuesday, 27. June 2006, 20:57

Einfach netter Text. Geile Musik. Zum mitgehen, mitsingen.

Good Charlotte - The Anthem

(ya)It's a new day, but it all feels old
It's a good life, that's what I'm told
But everything, it all just feels the same

And my high school, it felt more to me
Like a jail cell, a penitentiary
My time spent there, it only made me see

That I don't ever wanna be like you
I don't wanna do the things you do
I'm never gonna hear the words you say
and I don't ever wanna, I don't ever wanna be

You...don't wanna be just like you
Oh what I'm sayin' is this is the anthem, throw all your hands up,
you... don't wanna be you

go to college, a university, get a real job,
That's what they said to me
But I could never live the way they want
I'm gonna get by, and just do my time, out of step while, they all
get in line
I'm just a minor threat so pay no mind

Do you really wanna be like them, do you really wanna be another
Do you wanna be part of their crowd?
'cause I don't ever wanna, I don't ever wanna be

You...don't wanna be just like you
Oh what I'm sayin' is this is the anthem throw all your hands up,
you, don't wanna be you

Shake it once, that's fine
Shake it twice, that's okay
Shake it three times, you're playing with yourself, again.

You...don't wanna be just like you
What I'm sayin' is this is the anthem throw all your hands up,
Y'all got to feel me, sing if you're with me, you, don't wanna
be just like you (just like you)
This is the anthem throw all your hands up, y'all got to feel
me, sing if you're with me
another loser anthem (whoa-oh)
another loser anthem(whoa-oh)
another loser anthem(whoa-oh)
Another loser anthem

Cijj Jodaij



Wednesday, 28. June 2006, 14:34

Auch für Cheri :) Danke nochmal fürs mitnehmen damals.
Dieser Song spiegelt in keinster Weise das Frauenbild des Posters in seiner Gänze wieder. *Sicherheitsdisclaimer*

J.B.O - Frauen

Frauen machen uns arm
Frauen sind dekorativ
Frauen weinen mit Absicht
Frauen sind einfach nicht objektiv
Oh, Frauen sind so verletzlich
Frauen sind auf jeder Party einfach unersetzlich

Frauen kaufen ein
Frauen haben Menstruation
Frauen sind ziemlich blöde
Frauen lästern am Telefon
Oh, Frauen wissen allzeit bescheid
Frauen nerven mit Geschwätz und ihrer Eitelkeit

Manche Frau ist schwer manche leicht
Aussen hart und innen ganz weich
Werd`n als Kind schon auf blond gebleicht
Wann ist ne Frau ne Frau
Wann ist ne Frau ne Frau
Wann ist ne Frau ne Frau

Frauen lieben Muskeln
Frauen sind furchtbar laut
Frauen kriegen Blumen
Frauen kriegen Orangenhaut
Oh, Frauen sind einsame Spitze
Verstehen keinen Spaß, verstehen keine Witze

Manche Frau ist schwer manche leicht
Aussen hart und innen ganz weich
Werd`n als Kind schon auf dumm geeicht
Wann ist ne Frau ne Frau
Wann ist ne Frau ne Frau
Wann ist man ne Frau

Frauen backen Kuchen
Frauen sind schon als Baby dick
Frauen brauchen Slimline
Frauen sind furchtbar schick
Frauen machen Diäten
Frauen steh`n auf nen guten f... Film

Wann ist ne Frau ne Frau
Wann ist man ne Frau

Frauen kriegen Kinder
Frauen kriegen nen dicken Po
Frauen sind keine Menschen
Frauen trinken Piccolo
Frauen sind so verletzlich
Frauen sind auf jeder Party einfach unersetzlich

Manche Frau ist schwer manche leicht
Aussen hart und innen ganz weich
Werd`n als Kind schon auf blond gebleicht
Wann ist ne Frau ne Frau
Wann ist ne Frau ne Frau
Wann ist man ne Frau
Wann ist ne Frau ne Frau

Cijj Jodaij



Thursday, 29. June 2006, 19:22

Ganz, ganz, ganz schöner Song. Widme ich mal unseren Geburstagskindern heute :)

Gerhard Schöne - Spar deinen Wein nicht auf für morgen

Spar deinen Wein nicht auf für morgen,
Sind Freunde da, so schenke ein!
Leg, was du hast, in ihre Mitte.
Durchs Schenken wird man reich allein.

Spar nicht mit deinen guten Worten.
Wo man was totschweigt, schweige nicht.
Und wo nur leeres Stroh gedroschen,
da hat dein gutes Wort Gewicht!

Spar deine Liebe nicht am Tage
für paar Minuten in der Nacht.
Hol sie aus ihrer Dunkelkammer,
dann zeigt sie ihre Blütenpracht.

Spar deinen Mut nicht auf für spater,
wenn du mal "was ganz Grosses" bist.
Dein kleiner Mut hilft allen weiter,
weil täglich Mut vonnöten ist.

Spar deinen Wein nicht auf für morgen,
Sind Freunde da, so schenke ein!
Leg, was du hast, in ihre Mitte.
Durchs Schenken wird man reich allein


Friday, 30. June 2006, 17:56

X-Ray Spex - Peace Meal

Not much difference 'tween a cow and you
Flesh, blood, bones
She cries like you do
Cries like you do

Yours is the hippest hypocritical point of view
Wake up and realise the things that you do
You're busy whipping Hitler cos he gassed so many Jews
You're as guilty of murder - look at what you chew
Everybody's worried 'bout a Third World War
Nuclear annihilation, need I say more?
While you're feasting at the peace meeting
Feasting at the peace meeting
Wake up!
Flesh, blood, bones
Peace on earth and goodwill to all men
The lower species we will condemn
While we're feasting at the peace meeting
Feasting at the peace meeting

She cries like you do
Cries like you do
She cries like you do
She cries like you do oo oo oo !!


Saturday, 1. July 2006, 01:40

Umbra Et Imago - Sweet Gwendolin ( wenn man's mal ein wenig haerter mag. )

Geknebelt und fest gebunden
Liegst du hier schon seit Stunden
Das Dunkel lässt dich erblinden
Du fühlst die Hoffnung schwinden
Und du weißt du bist verloren
Denn der Meister (Harrharr) hat dich auserkoren

Mit dem schicksal abgefunden
Dreh'n Gedanken ihre Runden
Lust und Schmerz macht dich benommen
Phantasien, wie noch nie ersonnen
Und du weißt, du bist verloren
Denn der Meister (Herr, Herr) hat dich auserkoren

Scham lässt dich erröten
Der Trieb wird die Würde töten
Keine Zeit mehr zum entrinnen
Keine Kraft dich zu besinnen
Und du weißt du bist verloren
Gwendoline, du bist auserkoren

Tonight, Sweet Gwendoline
Do it well and do it fine
Tonight, Sweet Gwendoline
Do it well and do it fine
Tonight, Sweet Gwendoline
Do it well and do it fine

Du gibst nach, du lässt dich fallen
Du, die schönste Frau von allen
Das Spiel wird dich nicht schonen
Doch die Nacht wird dich belohnen
Du bist erwählt, du bist verloren
Gwendoline, du bist auserkoren

Tonight, Sweet Gwendoline
Do it well and do it fine
Tonight, Sweet Gwendoline
Do it well and do it fine
Tonight, Sweet Gwendoline
Do it well and do it fine

Tonight, Sweet Gwendoline
Tonight, Sweet Gwendoline

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »July« (1. July 2006, 01:41)

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