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Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Monday, 3. July 2006, 08:56

Billy Talent - Red Flag

Cast off the Grudge that kills the pain,
The red flag waving never meant the same,
The kids of tomorrow don't need today,
When they live in the sins of yesterday.

Well I've never seen us act like this,
Our only hope is the minds of kids,
And they'll show us a thing or two.

Our only weapons are the guns of youth,
It's only time before they tighten the noose,
And then the hunt will be on for you.

We don't need them

Like the smallest bee packs a sting,
Like the pawn checkmates a king,
We'll attack at the crack of dawn.

Build a ladder if there's a wall,
Don't be afraid to slip and fall,
Speak for yourself or they'll speak for you.

Light a fire,
There'll be water,
Like a jury,
Needs a liar
Like a riot,
Turning over,
Like a madman,
Needs a martyr.

We don't need them.

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Eoin« (3. July 2006, 08:57)




Monday, 3. July 2006, 14:40

Billy Joel - Famous Last Words

Sitting here in Avalon, looking at the pouring rain
Summertime has come and gone and everybody's home again
Closing down for the season, I found the last of the souvenirs
I can still taste the wedding cake and it's sweet after all these years

These are the last words I have to say
That's why this took so long to write
There will be other words some other day
But that's the story of my life

There's comfot in my coffee cup and apples in the early fall
They're pulling all the moorings up and gathering at the Legion Hall
They swept away all the streamers after the Labor Day parade
Nothing left for a dream now, only one final serenade

And these are the last words I have to say
Before another age goes by
With all those other songs I'll have to play
But that's the story of my life

And it's so clear standing here where I am
Ain't that what justice is for?
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn anymore

Stack the chairs on the table tops
Hang the sheets on the chandeliers
It slows down but it never stops
Ain't it sweet after all these years

And these are the last words I have to say
It's always hard to say goodbye
But now it's time to put this book away
Ain't that the story of my life

Cijj Jodaij



Tuesday, 4. July 2006, 15:28

Auf die Gefahr hin meinen Prollruf zu vertiefen, hier was zum Anlass des Tages.

Oliver Pocher - Schwarz und Weiß

(am linken Flügel durch Schäfer,
Schäfers zuspiel zu Morlock wird von den Ungarn abgewehrt,
und Botschek immer wieder Botschek,
der rechte Läufer der Ungarn am Ball,
er hat den Ball verloren diesmal, gegen Schäfer
Schäfer nach innen geflankt, Kopfball abgewehrt
aus dem Hintergund müsste Rahn schießen,
Rahn schießt, Tor Tor Tor Tor)

Vers 1:
Flanke, Kopfball, Tor
so stell'n wir uns unsere Mannschaft vor
Favoriten das sind wir
Schwarz, Rot, Gold wir steh'n zu dir
Auf den Rängen schallt es im Chor
Deutschland vor!


(Wir tragen)
Schwarz und Weiss
Wir steh'n auf eurer Seite
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Jetzt geht’s los!
Schwarz und Weiss
Wir steh'n auf eurer Seite
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Jetzt geht’s los!

Vers 2:
Als Turniermannschaft bekannt
Holten wir den Pokal schon oft ins Land
Und wir Fans als zwölfter Mann
Zeigen, was man vereint erreichen kann!
Wir stehen auf und singen unser Lied
Das unsere Mannschaft wieder siegt!


(Wir tragen)
Schwarz und Weiss
Wir steh'n auf eurer Seite
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Jetzt geht’s los!
Schwarz und Weiss
Wir steh'n auf eurer Seite
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Jetzt geht’s los!

(Matthäus Traumpass Völler
Und was gibt er, er gibt Elfmeter
Brehme gegen den Elfmetertöter Goycochea
Tor für Deutschland eins zu null
Jawoll, aus, das Spiel ist aus
Deutschland ist Fußballweltmeister)


Schwarz und Weiss
Wir steh'n auf eurer Seite
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Jetzt geht’s los!
Schwarz und Weiss
Wir steh'n auf eurer Seite
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Und wir hol'n den Sieg mit Euch
Haut ihn rein!jungs


Tuesday, 4. July 2006, 18:12

Umbra Et Imago - Lieber Gott.

Was ich seh, dass saug ich auf und geb euch den Wiederschein
Ich seh den Weg der Welt genau, will gut und muss auch böse sein
Freude will ich trinken, ich sauge deine Liebe ein
Die Welt lässt mich ins Dunkel sinken, ich werde stehts einsam sein...

Einen Menschen will ich haben, der mich aufrecht liebt
Ich sehe einen toten Körper, der blutend auf der Straße liegt
Einen Menschen will ich haben, der mich aufrecht liebt
Ich sehe einen toten Körper, der blutend auf der Straße liegt

Lieber Gott... mach mich hart, für diese Welt
Und töte den Verstand, der mich quält
Lieber Gott... warum lässt du mich dies Elend sehn
Und warum lässt du meinen Schmerz nicht vergehn
Lieber Gott... Lyrics

Ein kaltes Fühlen deiner Hand
Ein Lächeln, dass mich nicht mehr wärmt
Obwohl schon tausend Mal erduldet, hab ich nichts dazugelernt
In hundertfacher Ausgeburt
Habe ich das Leid erlebt
Erzeugt von einer Menschenheit, die am Rand des Abgrunds steht

Ich glaub noch immer an die Welt
Die ewig ihre Runden zieht
An eine Liebe, die mir bleibt
Egal was auch geschieht
Ich glaub noch immer an die Welt
Die ewig ihre Runden zieht
An eine Liebe, die mir bleibt
Egal was auch geschieht

Lieber Gott... mach mich hart, für diese Welt
Und töte den Verstand, der mich quält
Lieber Gott... warum lässt du mich dies Elend sehn
Und warum lässt du meinen Schmerz nicht vergehn
Lieber Gott...

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »July« (4. July 2006, 18:14)

Cijj Jodaij



Sunday, 9. July 2006, 13:23

Einfach schöner Musikklang.

No Use For A Name - Coming Too Close

There was a time when you would come and go
Now there's no time left to react
Just as it starts to heal in comes a bitter end
Well you were already to leave my side and then...

You're coming too close and I can't pretend
That I'll pick you up or let you come in again
We've been through this before, so please understand
That nothing in this heart can save you from the pain you seek
If you pick up the phone please don't call on me

No one can save you from the undertow
Nobody can blame you for the past
Just as I started thinking "Everything's alright"
You showed us surely that your tenth time was your last

You're coming too close and I can't pretend
That I'll pick you up or let you come in again
We've been through this before, so please understand
That nothing in this heart can save you from the pain you seek
If you pick up the phone please don't call on me

Yesterday I saw you falling to the ground
Seems like things get worse when no one is around
It's not OK

You're coming too close and I can't pretend
That I'll pick you up or let you come in again
We've been through this before, so please understand
That nothing in this heart can save you from the pain you seek
If you pick up the phone please don't call on me




Monday, 10. July 2006, 13:26

Rush - Animate

Polarize me
Sensitize me
Criticize me
Civilize me
Compensate me
Animate me
Complicate me
Elevate me

Goddess in my garden
Sister in my soul
Angel in my armor
Actress in my role

Daughter of a demon lover
Empress of the hidden face
Priestess of the pagan mother
Ancient queen of inner space

Spirit in my psyche
Double in my role
Alter in my image
Struggle for control

Mistress of the dark unconscious
Mermaid of the lunar sea
Daughter of the great enchantress
Sister to the boy inside of me

My counterpart, my foolish heart
A man must learn to rule his tender part
A warming trend, a gentle friend
A man must build a fortress to defend
A secret face, a touch of grace
A man must learn to give a little space
A peaceful state, a submissive trait
A man must learn to gently dominate

Polarize me
Sensitize me
Criticize me
Civilize me
Compensate me
Animate me
Complicate me
Elevate me

  • »Grivon« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

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Monday, 10. July 2006, 16:10

Helmet - I Know

Wafer thin
The waif is in
She's chlorine clean and portion fed
Feed the dog
Slop the hog
Shine the Baptist and debark the log

It's all right
I know
You're the only one
Who can show us at all

Get it done
What I hear, fear motivates
So intense
So sensitive
In your head where fashion lives

It's all right
I know
You're the only one
Who can show us at all

It's ok
I know
You're mean and hard
And bored
It's always
It's always something


Monday, 10. July 2006, 18:20

London After Midnight - A Letter To God

Is this life this degradation
this pointless game, humiliation
Born to die, we're born to lose
and not one choice we make we choose
And when this life is at an end
we find that Death's our only friend
Must we suffer through your games, oh Lord?
Can God really be so bored?

We waste our lives destroying, hating,
while beneath our flesh a skull lies waiting
Blind to beauty blind to love,
we fear of our loving Lord above
Some live their lives to play their games,
some live as victims, the insane
Your experiment oh Lord has failed
and I trust that when we meet you will forgive us

It's futile so I'll end this note
and find a knife and slit my throat
and come to track you down oh Lord
you better watch your back,
be sure that when we meet you'll be surprised
no loving praise, no glee filled cries
Just pain and hate and tear filled sighs
and the question in the end is "Why?"

Cijj Jodaij



Wednesday, 19. July 2006, 21:11

Ein Song bei dem ich einfach nur zu springen kann. Und ne schön frontale Message die man einigen Leuten einfach mal ins Gesicht schreien sollte. (Siehe Refrain)

Gob - Give Up The Grudge

Dont make me listen to the stupid broken record again
The needle's skippin and repeatin' never reaching the end
You know you're bitchin and complainin like you got it so tough
We're sick of all your cryin will you ever shut up

So keep bleeding your fake blood till no one even sees it
If thats the best you can make up, at least act like you mean it

Give up the grudge, shut your fuckin' mouth
Why you gotta judge everbody but yourself
Take a look around you, there aint nobody home
I may be a loser but at least I'm not alone

Your mercedes wont start, yeah, that's a cryin shame
I guess 90 k a year buys nothing but complaints
The people in my neighborhood think that I'm a threat
While the boss gets richer they get deeper in debt

So keep bleeding your fake blood till no one even sees it
If thats the best you can make up, at least act like you mean it

Give up the grudge, shut your fuckin' mouth
Why you gotta judge everbody but yourself
Take a look around you, there aint nobody home
I may be a loser but at least I'm not alone
[Repeating 5x]



Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

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Tuesday, 25. July 2006, 14:05

Eve 6 - Inside Out

I would swallow my pride
I would choke on the rhines
But the lack thereof would leave me empty inside
I would swallow my doubt turn it inside out find nothing but faith in nothing
Want to put my tender heart in a blender
Watch it spin around to a beautiful oblivion
Rendezvous then I'm through with you

I burn burn like a wicker cabinet chalk white and oh so frail
I see our time had gotten stale
The tick tock of the clock is painful
All sane and logical
I want to tear it off the wall
I hear words and clips and phrases
I think sick like ginger ale
My stomach turns and I exhale

I would swallow my pride
I would choke on the rhines
But the lack thereof would leave me empty inside
I would swallow my doubt turn it inside out find nothing but faith in nothing
Want to put my tender heart in a blender
Watch it spin around to a beautiful oblivion
Rendezvous then I'm through with you

So cal is where my mind states but it's not my state of mind
I'm not as ugly sad as you
Or am I origami
Folded up and just pretend demented as the motives in your head

I would swallow my pride
I would choke on the rhines
But the lack thereof would leave me empty inside
I would swallow my doubt turn it inside out find nothing but faith in nothing
Want to put my tender heart in a blender
Watch it spin around to a beautiful oblivion
Rendezvous then I'm through with you

I alone am the one you don't know you need take heed feed your ego
Make me blind when your eyes close sink when you get close tie me to the bedpost

I alone am the one you don't know you need you don't know you need me. make me
Blind when your eyes close, tie me to the bed post

I would swallow my pride
I would choke on the rhines
But the lack thereof would leave me empty inside
I would swallow my doubt turn it inside out find nothing but faith in nothing
Want to put my tender heart in a blender
Watch it spin around to a beautiful oblivion
Rendezvous then I'm through with you

Cijj Jodaij



Thursday, 27. July 2006, 14:22


Counting Crows - Round Here

Step out the front door like a ghost into the fog
Where no one notices the contrast of white on white
And in between the moon and you the angels get a better view
Of the crumbling difference between wrong and right
I walk in the air between the rain through myself and back again
Where? I dont know
Maria says shes dying through the door I hear her crying
Why? I dont know

Round here we always stand up straight
Round here something radiates

Maria came from nashville with a suitcase in her hand
She said shed like to meet a boy who looks like elvis
She walks along the edge of where the ocean meets the land
Just like shes walking on a wire in the circus
She parks her car outside of my house
Takes her clothes off
Says shes close to understanding jesus
She knows shes more than just a little misunderstood
She has trouble acting normal when shes nervous

Round here were carving out our names
Round here we all look the same
Round here we talk just like lions
But we sacrifice like lambs
Round here shes slipping through my hands

Sleeping children better run like the wind
Out of the lightning dream
Mamas little baby better get herself in
Out of the lightning

She says its only in my head
She says shhh I know its only in my head
But the girl on car in the parking lot says
man you should try to take a shot
Cant you see my walls are crumbling?
Then she looks up at the building and says shes thinking of jumping
She says shes tired of life she must be tired of something

Round here shes always on my mind
Round here hey man got lots of time
Round here were never sent to bed early
And nobody makes us wait
Round here we stay up very, very, very, very late
I cant see nothing, nothing round here
Catch me if Im falling



Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

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Friday, 28. July 2006, 22:21

Puddle Of Mudd - She Hates Me

Met a girl, thought she was grand
fell in love, found out first hand
went well for a week or two
then it all came unglued

in a trapped trip I can't grip
never thought I'd be the one who'd slip
then I started to realize
I was living one big lie

She fucking hates me
she fucking hates me
la la la la
I tried too hard
and she tore my feelings like I had none
and ripped them away

She was queen for about an hour
after that shit got sour
she took all I ever had
no sign of guilt
no feeling of bad, no

In a trapped trip I can't grip
never thought i'd be the one who'd slip
then I started to realize
I was living one big lie

She fucking hates me
she fucking hates me
la la la la
I tried too hard
and she tore my feelings like I had none
and ripped them away

that's my story, as you see
learned my lesson and so did she
now it's over and i'm glad
'cause i'm a fool for all i've said

She fucking hates me
she fucking hates me
la la la la
I tried too hard
and she tore my feelings like I had none
and ripped them away

la la la la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la
and she tore my feelings like I had none
she fucking hates me

  • »Grivon« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

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Saturday, 29. July 2006, 14:32

Subway to Sally - Sommertag - 4:26 Min.

Die Sonne tropft auf's Kanapee
lauft auf den Teppich, wird ein See
in dem der Staub zu baden scheinen will
ein Hitzemeer
und alle Dinge um mich her
sie schweigen still

ein Hemd, ein Bett, ein Bild - kein Trost
vom Fruhstuck ein verbrannter Tost
und wie in Bernstein konserviert
die Fliege die im Honigglas
ertrunken war
als sie sich uberfrass

was fur ein Tag
was fur ein Sommertag
was fur ein Tag
ein abgesturzter Himmel, der im Rasen lag

die Luft ist stickig und verbraucht
zuviel gegrubelt und geraucht
wenn es doch nur ein wenig kuhler wär
ich gabe alles und noch mehr
fur eine Stunde Sommerregen her

was fur ein Tag
was fur ein Sommertag
was fur ein Tag
ein abgesturzter Himmel, der im Rasen lag

Doch nur der Schweiss lauft uber mich
verklebt und müde rekelt sich
in mir die Illusion du wärst bei mir
doch weil kein Wind die Wolken treibt
ist Toast mit Honig das was bleibt
im Hitzemeer
im Hitzemeer

was fur ein Tag
was fur ein Sommertag
was fur ein Tag
ein abgesturzter Himmel, der im Rasen lag

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Grivon« (29. July 2006, 14:33)

Cijj Jodaij



Monday, 31. July 2006, 04:13

Netter Song für alle die Musik etwas zu ernst nehmen :D

Son Of Dork - Murdered In The Mosh

This song goes out to all the fakers
You all know who you are
It started with a girl
Kept turning her nose up at my band
She's into Yellow Card, Blink and Simple Plan

It's so pathetic

She's into Jane's Addiction
But she don't know their songs
And I fall over laughing when she tries to sing along
She thinks that she's so "emo"
Next week she'll be a "goth"
It all amounts to nothing
She gets murdered in the mosh

One night I crashed at her apartment
Her Sonic Youth cd's were nowhere to be seen
Instead, all I found was a letter
Her correspondence with some pop star magazine

It's so pathetic

She's into Jane's Addiction
But she don't know their songs
And I fall over laughing when she tries to sing along
She thinks that she's so "emo"
Next week she'll be a "goth"
It all amounts to nothing
She gets murdered in the mosh

Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside her mind
When she said she thought
Dave Grohl had died and Kurt Cobain was still alive
Just go to concerts that you love
Cos there's no shame in liking Backstreet Boys

She's into Jane's Addiction
But she don't know their songs
And I fall over laughing when she tries to sing along
She thinks that she's so "emo"
Next week she'll be a "goth"
It all amounts to nothing
She gets murdered in the mosh

This song goes out to all the fakers
Out to the critics and haters
This song goes out to all the fakers
You all know who you are
Give it up
Your friends will find out
Now or later
Time foe change
Just be yourself
Don't be a faker


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Monday, 31. July 2006, 06:25

El nino soldado

Fui a nacer donde no hay nada
tras esa linea que separa el bien del mal
Mi tiera se llama miseria
y no conozco la palabra libertad
fui secuestrado en una guerra
torturado y preparado pa matar
me han convertido en una bestia
soy solo un nino que no tiene identidad
me han obligado a disparar
me han ensenado como asesinar
me han obligado a mutilar
en un infierno tarrenal


una pistola en mi cabeza
me esta obligando a asesinar a mi papa
soy una maquina de guerra
mi dedo aprieta ese gatillo sin mirar

me han obligado a disparar
me han ensenado como asesinar
me han obligado a mutilar
en un infierno tarrenal


Und hier zum reinhören und anguggen - El nino soldado…p&contentid=198

und mein derzeitiges Lieblingslied: El vals del obrero…p&contentid=276

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Eoin« (31. July 2006, 06:26)

  • »Grivon« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

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Monday, 31. July 2006, 19:31

Subway To Sally - Erdbeermund - 3:46 Min.

Ich bin so wild nach deinem Erdbeermund,
ich schrie mir schon die Lungen wund
nach deinem weissen Leib, du Weib.
Im Klee, da hat der Mai ein Bett gemacht,
da blüht ein schöner Zeitvertreib
mit deinem Leib die lange Nacht.
Da will ich sein im tiefen Tal
dein Nachtgebet und auch dein Sterngemahl.

Die graue Welt macht keine Freude mehr,
ich gab den schönsten Sommer her,
und dir hats auch kein Glück gebracht;
hast nur den roten Mund noch aufgespart
für mich so tief im Haar verwahrt ...
Ich such ihn schon die lange Nacht
im Wintertal im Aschengrund ...
Ich bin so wild nach deinem Erdbeermund.

Im Wintertal, im schwarzen Erdbeerkraut,
da hat der Schnee ein Nest gebaut
und fragt nicht, wo die Liebe sei.
Und habe doch das rote Tier so tief
erfahren, als ich bei dir schlief.
Wär nur der Winter erst vorbei
und wieder grün der Wiesengrund!
... ich bin so wild nach deinem Erdbeermund!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Grivon« (31. July 2006, 19:32)

Any Nightshift


  • »Any Nightshift« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Berlin

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Wednesday, 2. August 2006, 18:55

Codeine - Loss Leader

Loss leader, losing sight of the shore
Can't take this loss loop anymore
Water running down

Now things taste kind of bitter
Two muddy shoes, far from home
Water running down

And as I walk back
I feel the moon against my neck

We are monkeys with money and guns.




Wednesday, 2. August 2006, 19:15

Live Graze

people should not be afraid
we came to the earth to graze
no shortcuts to the face, this means you
a child gives you his shoes
people should not be afraid
we came to the earth to graze
if it slithers into the haze
it can't be true
a child gives you his shoes
in the early morning, cut her down
the pill, she needs your love
forget your mother and your father
they aren't important son
we came to the earth to graze
everyone's diggin' in
now there's no time to live
people should not be afraid
the artist does figure eights
but will it stand the test of time
or will it rot
like the mission that tried too hard
in the early morning, cut her down
the pill, she needs your love
forget your mother and your father
you'll fall apart inside

Cijj Jodaij



Wednesday, 9. August 2006, 00:00

Wieder mal nen schöner Lovesong.

Gob - Lemon-Aid

I go out 'cause I live in an empty house
and it rains and it rains and it never stops
I'm a case in this place now mixed up with you

I had a perfect fit until you called me up
then it didn't even rain, the sun came up
now there's nothing I can do, but fish around for you

I wanna hear you talk to me every night
if anything goes wrong you can make it right
I never get the chance just to let you know
let you know

the lemon that you aid doens't have a pulse
something that I'll never get if you never tell
no I'd never need a phone if you lived next door to me

and if it feels good to me that's something else
you're a softhead you think I'm a motormouth
but I never say a word that I don't hold dear to me

I wanna hear you talk to me every night
if anything goes wrong you can make it right
I never get the chance just to let you know
let you know, yeah
I wanna make you feel something every night
if anything goes wrong I'll make it right
I never get the chance just to let you know
let you know

hope that it wont fuck up now that you know

I wanna hear you talk to me every night
if anything goes wrong you can make it right
I never get the chance just to let you know
let you know, yeah
I wanna make you feel something every night
if anything goes wrong I'll make it right
I never get the chance just to let you know
let you know




Friday, 11. August 2006, 12:07

Extra für Deli *zwinker zwinker knuff knuff*:

Billy Joel - Blonde Over Blue

Some days when I'm far away
In a lonely room in a cold seclusion
Some nights when I'm wound so tight
There is no release, there is no solution
In hell there's a big hotel
Where the bar just closed and the windows never opened
No phone so you can't call home
And the TV works, but the clicker is broken
But in the darkness I see your light turned on
You know my weakness, you know how I respond to

Blonde over blue
Your hands are cold, your eyes are fire
Blonde over blue
They shine as though you're burning inside
One word from you is all I need to be inspired
Blonde over blue
I need your inspiration tonight

These days there's a million ways
To be pulled and torn, to be misdirected
These times there are sins and crimes
On the morning shows for the disconnected
I look and I write my book
And I walk away with the wrong impressions
I don't care 'cause I've done my share
And I need some time for my own obsessions
It doesn't matter, I've let that life go by
It's been forgotten 'cause all I wanted was you


These days not a damn soul prays
ANd there is no faith 'cause there's nothing to believe in
THese days only good luck pays
If we don't get paid then we try to get even
I look and I write my book
And I have my say and I draw conclusions
Some nights when I'm wound so tight
There is no release, there is no solution
But in the darkness I see your light turned on
You know my weakness, you know how I respond to


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