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Bist du zu klein.. lass es sein

  • »Hope« ist weiblich

Registrierungsdatum: 24. August 2009

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Tuesday, 13. April 2010, 21:07

Könnte auch nen bissel deswegen gemacht werden, da nen so weiter Punkt ja im Grunde nen neuen Grid erfordert, der vom Cluster erzeugt werden muss. Gibts da nun viele Deepsafes und auf jedem sitzt einer, kann das schon dazu führen das der cluster mehr last zu tragen hat. ( nehm ich ma an.. speicher wirds auf jeden fall kosten )
Woher soll ich wissen was ich meine bevor ich gehört habe was ich sage.



  • »Cherena« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Spiel: EvE Online

Charakter: Shanysha

Wohnort: Krakow am See

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Saturday, 17. April 2010, 15:55

Es wird wohl nicht gelöscht, sondern verschoben.

die Statistik am Ende ist schön, da hat sich jemand aber echt Mühe gegeben einen Deepsafespot zu machen, der soweit weg ist :)

„If there's more than one possible outcome of a job or task, and one
of those outcomes will result in disaster or an undesirable consequence,
then somebody will do it that way.“
Edward Aloysius Murphy Jr.


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Tuesday, 20. April 2010, 07:53

Die Tyrannis Webseite ist auch da.

Leider gibts da drauf noch nicht soooviel mehr zu sehen als wir eh schon wissen, aber am 06.05.2010 gibts den Trailer zu Tyrannis - das ist auch schonmal nett.

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Tuesday, 20. April 2010, 09:15

Hier gibts übrigens ne Produktionsübersicht:…Q0bHdxQXc&hl=en

Man kann sehr stark annehmen, dass sich hier später auch die Möbel- und Kleidungsproduktion abspielen wird und was für Incarna sonst so zusätzlich anfällt. Klingt einfach logischer Kleidung aus Livestock oder Polytextiles herzustellen, als aus Tritanium und Mexallon.

Wer also bei Incarna vorhat zu schneidern oder Möbel zu basteln oder oder... der sollte sich rechtzeitig damit beschäftigen und sich laufende und sichere Produktionsketten zulegen. Ich denke mal das sich das vielleicht nicht mit Megagewinn lohnen wird bis es soweit ist - aber es sollte sich zumindest einigermaßen rentieren wenn man bis dahin erstmal andre Dinge baut, aber einfach auf ein paar Planeten schon Fuß gefaßt hat.

Wer glaubt mit Incarna direkt einsteigen zu können wird sich vermutlich ein wenig schwerer tun. Auf Risiko und auf blöd würd ich hier eher vorsorgen. Vor allem wenn man bedenkt dass sich die Produkte die man bis Incarna erstmal herstellt unter Umständen ja auch schon rentieren.

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Tuesday, 4. May 2010, 11:37

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)



Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

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Tuesday, 4. May 2010, 19:39

Ui... schön, wenn man ihn jetzt auch noch in einer würdigeren Auflösung herunterladen kann, guck ich ihn mir sogar ganz an. ^^



  • »Lorm« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Spiel: iRacing, Shogun 2

Wohnort: Sauerland

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Tuesday, 4. May 2010, 21:49

also ich bekomm da immer ne fehlermeldung

edit: geht nu
Jeden Montag ab 8:00 Uhr! Sprechstunde
Brustvergrösserung durch Handauflegen. Bei nicht Gelingen zahle ich 5€


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Friday, 14. May 2010, 11:02

Das sind die vorläufigen Patchnotes für Tyrannis wie es derzeit auf SiSi zu testen ist. Da bereits in 4 Tagen Release ist dürfte sich nicht mehr allzuviel ändern - trotzdem sind diese Patchnotes mit Vorbehalt zu genießen.


Patch Notes for Tyrannis


Planetary Interaction
· Planets are now yours for the taking. Most planets can now be harvested for their resources to create various intermediary and complex commodities and valuable items
· A new UI has been created to better serve the purpose of Planetary Interaction
· 48 command centers are available for purchase on the market, 6 for each planet type. 5 of which require a skill to be trained
· All players, new and veterans alike, can exploit planets to their liking
· Players can create simple and complex infrastructure using Extractors, Processors, Storage facilities and spaceports
· Importing commodities to a planet for processing as well as exporting from a planet to be consumed by Capsuleers is possible using the Spaceport and the space end point "Customs Office"
· More information can be found in CCP Soundwaves blog
· Planetary resources are now available on almost every planet throughout the EVE universe. These resources can be exploited and made into commodities. <http://...>

· A new skill "Command Center Upgrades" allow players to build more complex command centers
· A new skill "Interplanetary Consolidation" allows players to manage up to 6 colonies on as many planets.
EVE Gate
· EVE Gate has now been launched which allows players to engage in social networking activities with each other. A blog from CCP Karuck and CCP Prism X is available here <http://...> with lots of details on what EVE Gate will offer.

Agent’s Missions
· Several missions have been changed so that they no longer use commodities for cargo that are also used in Planetary Interaction.
· Basic Courier Missions have been changed so that cargo size and travel distance is consistent between factions and agent levels.
· Most Station Ruins structures have been resized and many dungeons got some minor edits.
· The distribution of the missions Avenge A Fallen Comrade, Break Their Will and Retribution was adjusted.
World Shaping
· Deep space safe spots have been removed
· The type of 38,213 planets has been changed, in an attempt to create a more realistic universe as well as a balanced distribution of resources for Planetary Interaction.
· The attributes of all but 23 planets have been changed in an attempt to create a more realistic universe.
· The radius of around 140 planets has been changed; this in turn affects the warp-in point.

Exploration and Deadspace
· Mordu's Folly (2 of 2) acceleration gate no longer allows Supercarriers.
· Sites and landmarks that used to be around planets have been changed to static sites and moved away from planets.
· Structures in sleeper sites where used incorrectly, some minor edits where made.
· When closing the client while in warp the ship will now finish warping to its destination and then perform an emergency warp-off from there.
· Corporation hangar window for a ship which is not the current ship will be closed when docking or undocking.
· It is no longer possible to launch ships from the ship maintenance bay while in warp.
· The mining foreman gang link bonus for the Rorqual has been increased to 10% per level instead of 5%. This bonus is only applied when the Rorqual is in deployment mode.
· Scorpion model has changed significantly.
Weapons & Ammunition
· The Radio XL crystal description has no longer mentions depletion since it doesn't deplete.

Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

· In order to set standings, the entity must be in your corporate or alliance contact list.
· There is an option in the station management window to use either the Corporation's standings or the Alliance's standing for applying station service fees.
· There is an option in the starbase management window to use either the Corporation's standings or the Alliance's standings determining sentry aggression.
· You can no longer access mobile laboratories while the control tower is onlining. Only when it is online.
Market & Contracts
· The journal now shows up to 100 contracts.
Science and Industry
· The waste factor for all Tech III blueprint copies has been changed to 0.
· Low sec and some null sec asteroids have higher amounts of low end minerals such as Tritanium, Pyerite or Mexallon. You can read more in this [devblog <http://...>].

· The alloys and compounds dropped by Rogue Drone NPCs have had their mineral content adjusted. The ratio of minerals in a given alloy/compound should be inversely proportional to their base prices.
· Rogue Drone battleship NPCs have had their loot drops adjusted. The amount of each mineral type recovered should now be four times more than the next most valuable type. Additionally, the volume dropped by a battleship should now be significantly decreased, and the value should be slightly decreased.
· Loot: Several changes were made to the loot drops of various NPCs, most notably rogue drones. You can read more in this [devblog <http://...>].

Corporation & Alliance

· The Standings tab is moved to the top level and is visible by all corp members. Corporation Contacts is under this tab.
· The Like and Dislike tabs are removed, their function is replaced with the Corporation Contacts list.
· The Corporation Contacts list is limited to 300 entries.
· Only CEOs and Directors can add/edit/remove corporation contacts.
· The Relationships tab for Alliances is replaced with Alliance Contacts. This is visible by all members.
o Entities labeled "non-agression pact" are moved to Excellent (+10) standing.
o Entities labeled "friend" are moved to Good (+5) standing.
o Entities labeled "competator are moved to Bad (-5) standing.
o Entities labeled "enemy" are moved to Terrible (-10) standing.
· The Alliance Contacts list is limited to 300 entries.
· Only the CEO and Directors of the executor corp can add/edit/remove alliance contacts.
· The message displayed when a corporation leaves an alliance with an active war declaration has been changed to be clearer.

User Interface

· The Buddy List is now called Contacts. There is a limit of 300 contacts.
· The Blocked tab is removed. The Blocked list is under the Contacts tab.
· The Corp member tab is moved to the Corporation Window.
· The standing system for personal standings uses 5 levels of relationships (Excellent +10, Good +5, Neutral 0, Bad -5, and Horrible -10) instead of the integer slider.
· Players are able to set standing to other players, player corporations, player alliance, NPC corporations, and NPC factions. This requires that the entity is also added to your contact list.
· When adding or editing another player as a contact, it is possible to send them a notification, with or without a personalized note, saying that you added them as a contact and at what standing level.
· When capslock is activated pressing shift no longer cancels it.
· The new default value for fleet broadcasts is now 'Everyone'
· Loyalty Store purchases are now displayed in the wallet journal as "Payment to LP Store" instead of "Payment to agent".

EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

· The folder for Contacts is added to the Notifications tab. This is where you'll see notifications sent when people add you as a contact or edit you standing level.
· The mail address book is replaced with the contacts list.

· There is API support for the new Contacts system.
· The station ambient sound gets its volume decreased after 90 and 180 seconds to make idling in stations less noisy.
· "Close tab" menu option has been removed from the right click menu of the final tab in the browser.
· The "trash it" option is no longer present for items in containers in corporate hangers because it didn't work anyway.
· Ship insurance will now revalue itself periodically based on a trimmed mean of the ship's manufacturing materials global market weighted average prices. You can read more in this [devblog <http://...>].


· Freighters now have correct racial propulsion types
· Rorqual assembly lines can now draw from and produce to its own corporate hangars.
· The hit points of your ship will no longer appear to briefly be 0 when moving items to or from your cargo hold.
· Tech 3 subsystems now give bonuses correctly when boarding from a ship maintenance array.
· Fixed warp behavior when warping with bubbles on grid.
· Armor and structure hitpoints will no longer go negative.

· Fixed a problem where dragging charges onto the fitting screen only distributed enough charge for one weapon.
· There is no longer an error when dragging modules from the fitting window to the cargo hold.
· Capital logistic modules now receive a consistent activation cost reduction skill bonus.

· Ship and skill bonuses are now always applied to drones correctly on scooping them.
· It is no longer possible to give assist or guard orders on a fleet member who is not in the same system.
· Having the Drones skill to level 1 is now a prerequisite for using a Civilian Hobgoblin drone.

Starbases, Outposts and Stations
· Station eggs: It's no longer possible to set a password longer than 16 characters.
· Starbase shields should now recharge to 100% in the correct time.
· There is now an error message if you try and save a blank station name.
· A starbase in high-sec which is set to shoot back on aggression will now shoot back if attacked.
· There is no longer an exception being thrown on linking structures.
· 0.4 systems no longer require charters for starbases
· Notifications about damaged sovereignty structures are shown correctly, even if the attacker is unknown.
· Notifications about attacked sovereignty structures are now shown correctly when the attacker is not part of an alliance.
· A notification message is now displayed, when trying to drag an item, which is not an infrastructure upgrade, into the infrastructure hub.
· Several minor problems with sovereignty structures were fixed.
· Offlining a SBU from an invulnerable state will now make it vulnerable to attack.
· Territorial Claim Units can now be repackaged.
· The management window of the Infrastructure Hub will now close when warping away.

Exploration & Deadspace
· The site Contested Amarr Mire Keep got re-named in the overview to Contested Amarr Crimson Keep.
· Changed Icon on the Message Pop-up for Ruined Sansha Crystal Quarry.
· Exploration site Decayed Angel Mining Station now has the correct pop-up text.
· Exploration site Large Hemorphite, Jaspet and Kernite Deposit now has the correct asteroid types.
· Exploration site Small Hedbergite, Hemorphite and Jaspet Deposit no longer prints a debug message in local.
· Exploration site Sansha Forlorn Den now correctly displays Sansha logo.
· Cartel Research Outpost in the escalating path site Angel Owned Station now correctly drops a Cynabal BPC instead of a packaged Cynabal.
· Some immersion breaking object names were fixed.

Science and Industry

· You cannot create jobs using blueprints belonging to other members of your corporation unless it's in the corporation hanger.
· You can't start a manufacturing job without having the required number of RAMs anymore.
· When the S&I window is open and a job completes, the progress bar doesn't hang when you click "deliver".
· No cancel option given for already delivered jobs.
· Various BPOs had their size raised from 0.0m3 to 0.01m3
· The skill requirements on faction cruise missile launcher blueprints have been changed to not require the cruise missile skills.

Market & Contracts
· "Ghost" Freeform contracts have been removed.
· Contracts: Use Base Price confirmation window is only supressed if you say yes.

Corporation & Alliance
· Alliance / Corporate standing changes no longer require a relog to see.
· Issue with Corporate wallets unable to receive cash has been fixed.
· Corporate applications of CEO characters are no longer processed.
· API - journal walking now works for the corporate wallet journal
· Giving away shares now correctly results in corporation politics tab being removed, no longer closes the whole corporation window.
· Declaring support for a chosen executor now updates the alliance window correctly.
· Corporation "our adverts" is no longer accessible without proper roles.
· Double spaces are no longer allowed in corporate names.
· After receiving shares, you no longer have to relog to see the Politics tab.
· Corporation window does not become blank on switching tabs if the player saves changes after granting roles to a member who is not willing to take roles.

User Interface
· All cargoholds are now closed when attempting to clone-jump
· When repairing a damaged ship, the "Pick New Item" button no longer is hidden.
· The terminate character dialog is now hidden when entering the game
· You are now notified if you try to recycle the ship you are currently in.
· Now get a confirmation dialog when destroying single probes from scanner window
· Drag and drop fitting of rig no longer gives 2 confirmation dialogs.
· Now able to scoop containers with illegal goods even after suppressing the warning message.
· Bill notifications now include 1000's separators.
· The option to unrent your Orcas corporate hangers is no longer present.
· Message on redeeming PLEX now correctly states the destination station.
· Trying to open more than 5 tabs in the overview will give you a warning.
· If your bio is empty it now displays "Here you can type in your biography"
· Duplicate hangar and divisions removed from Rorqual S&I window.
· The color tag and background is now applied to agents in space.
· The show info window for Tech2 blueprints no longer applies waste-factor to extra materials, and now shows the actual requirements.
· The expanding/collapsing functionality of the scanner has been removed.
· Wormhole jumps into empire systems are counted as visits in the map statistics.
· Fixed several issues where the "Do not ask me again" check box was not suppressing the warning message.
· Players are now able to filter fleet adverts by corporation and alliance.
· In the generate link window, the http:// option has the search button.
· Scrolling in the shortcuts list in the ESC menu now functions correctly.
· Clicking "Your Petitions" in the ESC menu now opens the Your Petitions window correctly.
· When the fitting management window is stacked, clicking "Cancel" now correctly closes the window.
· Your wallet balance now correctly updates after cancelling a buy order.
· Double/triple/trailing spaces and wrong/missing/surplus punctuation are hereby banned, by order of the Most Renowned Committee of EVE Text Type People
· Faction logo is no longer distorted on factional warfare capture timer.
· There have been various little fixes to the UI.
· There were a few windows that had problems with being merged with other windows; they have been instructed to HTFU.
· Scrolling quickly through long lists like in the 'About EVE' tab should no longer break the list.
· Loyalty point store UI can now be resized on the sides as well as the corners.
· The red and green online/offline icons for buddies were slightly odd, we fixed them.
· We now handle invalid input to buy order forms better.
· 'Remove selected' button in mailing list management now notifies the user if nothing was selected.
· There is a new type of cursor to indicate links and menus.
· Welcome pages have been made two pixels wider; they were too narrow to fully cover the windows since their borders were made smaller.
· It is no longer possible to select multiple entries in a combo box; the world is truly a better place now.
· It is now possible to navigate and manipulate the mail label management UI without a mouse.
· Keyboard shortcuts should now work regardless of the window currently in focus.
· Username/password field will no longer appear to have focus when the application does not have focus.
· Text will no longer overlap in the insurance quotes window.
· Fixed a problem where it was not possible to create links (except for Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.) in the notepad.
· Spam clicking the "Quit corporation" button will no longer open multiple instances of the "Quit corporation" window.
· Fixed some overlapping text when selecting all operations in a corp advert.
· Text will no longer become duplicated in windows with nested tables when changing graphics settings.
· Error checking for creating new keyboard shortcuts now works properly with better error messages.
· Jukebox no longer restores itself from being minimized on docking or undocking.
· The "search" button will now no longer appear when creating http links.
· Importing overview settings will now retain their filters correctly.
· It is now possible to right click links which contain non-ascii characters.
· Changing the size of the MOTD font should work correctly now and not throw an error.
· The legend for the "Systems I've visited" option in the star map has been corrected to show the right colors.
· The wallet ref. type "Agent Mission Reward Corporation tax" now works as intended
· It is not possible anymore to import multiple overview settings which failed.
EVE Voice, Mail & Chat
· There is now an alert if you try to send more than 5 mails within 1 minute.
· Notifications for a corporation tax change are only counted once in the unread mail counter.
· You can now manage multiple mailing lists simultaneously.
· Changes were made to the way Mail and Notification settings are stored, unfortunately this means users will have to reset them, on the bright side they should no longer be bugged.

CONCORD and Kill Mails
· If a character is not in alliance, copying and pasting the kill information now states Alliance as Unknown.
· Corp mate dueling will no longer reset the GCC. Characters in non-player corps will still receive a GCC.

· Sovereignty structure images now available in data dump.
· API calls now return cached until time correctly.
· In game browser handles invalid URL's better.
· The jukebox is now OK with capitalized file types.
· Jukebox now allows removal of currently playing song from the playlist.
· Jukebox is more discerning when adding mp3 files to playlists.
· Jukebox user interface is now harder to trick with empty playlists and removed tracks.
· Jukebox has been extensively iterated on based on feedback and bug reports.
· The new IGB handles trusted sites better.
· Some of the audio crackling issues have been identified and exterminated.
· Ship explosion audio effect is only played once instead of thrice.
· Several minor spelling and punctuation errors have been fixed.
· The browser now correctly opens links from tutorials when minimized.
· The icons for the strategic cruiser skills have been corrected in the SSD.
· Players joining the fleet after a titan jump bridge was created are now able to use the bridge. This is also valid for other jump beacons.
· The standings transaction log now shows a reason on entries related to conquering FW sites

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Friday, 14. May 2010, 11:13

Und hier das wissenswerte über EveGate:

Edit: Für alle die lediglich Interesse an Incarna haben ist die Planetary Interaction interessant - die Wahrscheinlichkeit das spätere Dinge wie Kleidung, Architektur und der Kram der bisher geplant ist, über Planetenressourcen + Produktionslinien gemanaged wird ist relativ groß.

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)



Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

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Friday, 14. May 2010, 18:38

Logisch, was sollte man auch mit einer Veldspar-Hose anfangen. :P


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Friday, 14. May 2010, 18:39

Irooooon Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Der Auserwählte

  • »Inessa« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 8. April 2006

Spiel: EVE

Charakter: Inessa Ghulin

Wohnort: Hamburg

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Friday, 14. May 2010, 18:46

Iroooooon maaaaaaan is ja sowas von gestern.

veldspaaaaaaaaar maaaaaaaaaaan ist die zukunft! :trooper:



Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

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Friday, 14. May 2010, 19:26


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Friday, 14. May 2010, 22:08

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)



  • »Cherena« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Spiel: EvE Online

Charakter: Shanysha

Wohnort: Krakow am See

  • Nachricht senden


Saturday, 15. May 2010, 14:31

ich habe gerade mal gefunden, was da so alles hergestellt werden kann auf den Planeten.…QXc&hl=de#gid=0

Kann mir jemand erklären, wozu man diese ganzen Komponenten braucht?
Was kann man daraus herstellen?

„If there's more than one possible outcome of a job or task, and one
of those outcomes will result in disaster or an undesirable consequence,
then somebody will do it that way.“
Edward Aloysius Murphy Jr.


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Saturday, 15. May 2010, 15:20

Momentan: Nanite Repair Paste, Robotics und so nen Kram (POS Fuel), ...

Sachen die bisher nur NPCs verkauft haben und Spielern nicht zugänglich waren

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Friday, 21. May 2010, 10:06

Denkt alle dran - am 26ten wird beim Serverdown Tyrannis aufgespielt - werft also einen langen Skill ein um eventuell längere Patchzeiten und Verzögerungen zu überbrücken.


EVE Online: Tyrannis will be deployed on Wednesday, May 26. In Tyrannis, capsuleers will extend their reach down to the surface of worlds with Planetary Interaction, establish colonies and tap the resources of the more than 60,000 planets found in EVE. Tyrannis will also bring EVE Gate, which represents the first step towards truly extending the EVE experience beyond the game client.

To learn more about the Tyrannis expansion, please visit its features page and read all about the new content. More details on the Tyrannis deployment will be announced on Tuesday, May 25. The Tyrannis patch notes can be found here, and you can discuss them here.

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Tuesday, 25. May 2010, 10:23

Nochmal zur Erinnerung: Morgen kommt mit dem Serverdown um 13 Uhr (deutsche Zeit) Tyrannis.

Werft also einen Skill ein oder macht eure Skillwarteschlange für mindestens 24h+ voll, wenn ihr sicher sein gehen wollt ;o).

Wenn alles gut läuft ist morgen abend alles gegessen und wir können EveGate aktivieren und Tyrannis genießen!

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Tuesday, 25. May 2010, 14:33

War falsch - Tyrannis kommt um 4 Uhr deutscher Zeit. Wenn alles gut geht sind die Server um 20 Uhr wieder da.
(also 26.05.10: 4 Uhr bis 20 Uhr: Tyrannis)

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Tuesday, 25. May 2010, 21:12

Genau - Morgen um 19.00 dann treffen im TS der Eveuchtis. Wir machen mit dem Mund Eve sounds nach (LaserPewPew, Sansha gebrabbel, etc) um die Entzugserscheinungen im zaume zu halten ! :)