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survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich
  • »Mimei« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden

1 081

Friday, 8. April 2005, 15:05


*voll doll freu*

Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?

1 082

Friday, 8. April 2005, 15:21


Original von Mimei

*voll doll freu*


Wheee! Ich freue mich fuer dich, gute fahrt mit dem Rad. :)



1 083

Friday, 8. April 2005, 23:06

nu bin ich voll doll neidisch, mimei :P

ich spar naemlich auch grad wieder auf ein neues... meins wird allerdings wieder ein specialized


...aber dauert noch etwas, leider :)

1 084

Saturday, 9. April 2005, 03:07

naja hab ne schöne rennmaschine mal sehen ob ichn foto davon finde


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich
  • »Mimei« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden

1 085

Saturday, 9. April 2005, 20:16

Das Specialized ist auch schick.
Allerdings wollt ich lieber mehr Ausstattung anstatt Fully.

Leider hat es nun 5cm Schnee (!!!) und ich bin noch nicht einmal
zum Einbremsen der Discs gekommen.

;( ;( ;(
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?



1 086

Monday, 11. April 2005, 14:42

.... ich hab bei uns schon die ersten in den see springen sehen, mimei :P


und hier was zum rofln fuer alle... hat schon arg die runde gemacht, aber fuer die, dies noch nicht gelesen haben :)…d=184&sfgdata=4


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich
  • »Mimei« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden

1 087

Monday, 11. April 2005, 21:38

Am Wochenende war ich u.A. bei einem Ehepaar, beide schon gebrechlich und dement, da ergab sich folgendes Gespräch:

Sie: Der Vater ist 1912 geboren, wie alt ist das nun?
Ich: Da ist Ihr Mann wohl 93 Jahre alt.
Sie: Oh und ich bin 1915 geboren...
Ich: Also werden Sie dieses Jahr 90?
Sie: Ja... und nun sind wir schon 65 Jahre verheiratet.
Er: Und noch immer lieb ich sie wie am ersten Tage, meine liebe, gute Frau....

Ich fand das sooo süß :)
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?

1 088

Tuesday, 12. April 2005, 14:01

[URL=,1518,350805,00.html]Genies am Rande des Wahnsinns[/URL]

1 089

Wednesday, 13. April 2005, 12:03

Die FAQs, eines Linux Projektes:

Frequently asked questions

The following are answers to frequently asked questions.

Q. The 2-disk xwindow distribution is an excelent, fast, stable, efficient, and elegant GNU/linux distribution. but what can I do with it
A. Yes this is a good question and, one which we have pondered over long and hard. It has been used in many applications but our systems analysts have shown the optimal applications to be in the areas of engine de-coking, drain unblocking, and effluent digestion.

Q. FAQ's have been around for a long time but i wonder if they are really of any use to the regular user.
A. Yes this seems to be a very frequent question and one that needs to be answered.

Q. I have a type X system, and am not going to supply you with any details about core dumps, kernel msg's, error codes, specific hardware, or the sequence of usage leading up to the crash, can you fix the problem.
A. No fuck off and stop winding me up.

Q. I want to do X, and i am a fucking moron. Can you do it for me "NOW YOU BASTARDS"
A. This is one of the most frequent questions and the answer is this: "We are all morons bumbling through life making countless mistakes and making it through by shear luck and perseverance. This said all is O.K. we have no problem with that, but when you start expecting others to do all the work for you, or complaining and getting mad at others mistakes then you become a fucking moron this we have problems with. If you want to do something start by searching for information, work through the background stuff make sure you know all the facts then if you still need something beg others very very tactfully for help making the problem as easy to analyse as possible by giving all the problems and background in a concise and succinct manner."

Q. I am a headhunter looking for prospective employees, and want to send you badly defined technical querys to assess the technical knowledge of your staff in order to poach your company's best employees whilst simultaneously clogging your mail box with mail that brings no income to your company. What is the best way to do this.
A. We have many tools that can do this for you automatically, but unfortunatly we no longer have any employees for you to apply them to.

Q. I am a terrorist cell leader requiring an embedded system for automation of production of biological and chemical warfare agents. How can I implement this with 2-disk Xwindows?.
A. This is another very frequently asked question and one we have specialist knowledge in. The new Mungkie systems bioferment 2000 system has specialist drivers for integrating with many common bio culturing systems

Q. I have spent ten minutes reading your pointless and time wasting FAQ, and want to sue you for the time it has caused me to waste. Who should my lawyers contact with the summons.



survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich
  • »Mimei« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden

1 092

Thursday, 14. April 2005, 11:41


Uh, da hab ich wieder Tränen gelacht!

:D :D :D
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?

Adha Ilcava


Sjille A'Okri


1 094

Thursday, 14. April 2005, 15:29

*schüchtern guck*
Anonymes Danielkübelböck-Fantreffen?
Nein...`tschulligung ich geh ja wieder :boing:

1 095

Friday, 15. April 2005, 10:17

So definiert sich also der Unterschied zwischen Bug & Feature :D


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich
  • »Mimei« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden

1 097

Monday, 18. April 2005, 11:37

Eine Stunde Mittagspause... bleiben, oder nachhause und da vielleicht noch was ausarbeiten?
Ich tendiere ganz arg zu Zweiterem, denn dann wäre ich ja wirklich mal einen Tag VOR dem eigentlichen Termin fertig.
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich
  • »Mimei« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden

1 098

Thursday, 21. April 2005, 18:08

Mein zweitliebstes Spiel - nach SWG natürlich :)
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?

1 099

Friday, 22. April 2005, 09:44

Ohje.. [URL=,1518,352682,00.html],1518,352682,00.html[/URL]

1 100

Friday, 22. April 2005, 10:37

Einfach mal nen Bier bestellen ;)

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