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Friday, 8. July 2005, 18:04

Anschläge in London

Presseerklärungen der SWP und von Fausto Bertinotti zu den Anschlägen in London:

[1pm Thursday 7 July]
Socialist Worker statement following London bombings
Our thoughts are with all those killed and wounded in this morning
terrible attacks in London.

London is a centre of peace, the most multiracial city in Europe and a
global centre of opposition to the war and occupation of Iraq and
Afghanistan. A majority of those killed and wounded will have opposed the
war in Iraq; some will have joined the huge marches for peace.

These bombings followed the biggest ever protest in Scotland's history
against world poverty. The anti-war message was everywhere on that
magnificent march.

These bombings target ordinary people travelling by bus and underground to
work and study; people who oppose Tony Blair's support for George Bush and
their occupation of Iraq. They are in no way a blow against imperialism or
the G8 leaders, who are ensconced in a luxury hotel 450 miles north of

The British government cannot avoid its responsibility for these terrible
attacks, which are a consequence of its support for war and occupation in
Iraq and Afghanistan. The best way to ensure that there are no more such
terrible attacks is for British troops to be withdrawn from there

As a mark of respect for the dead we have cancelled the opening day of our
Marxism 2005 event. We call on the international anti-war movement and the
global left to rally round the people of London and, in the face of these
terrible attacks, to redouble their work for global peace and justice.

Chris Bambery, editor Socialist Worker
Martin Smith, National Organiser, Socialist Workers Party

[1.30pm Thursday 7 July]
Press Statement on London bombings by Fausto Bertinotti
What occurred in London is the atrocity of a barbarism. Peaceful people
should mobilise

Once again violence is upsetting the world. Any place, any city, any country
may become a stage for devastation and death. Women and men of any ethnic
group, any age, any social condition are seeing their innocent lives
destroyed. This is the atrocity of a barbarism. Today terrorism is upsetting
London and the world. The spiral of war and terrorism is the terrifying
background - both are the enemies of humanity. Last Saturday in Edinburgh a
big white-clad march addressed poverty and war in peaceful and nonviolent
language. Now the anti-war movement should become a key player in a
worldwide mobilisation against terrorism and war. Only the people can stop
this horrible violence.

Fausto Bertinotti, Chair of the European Left Party
Rome, 7 July 2005


Friday, 8. July 2005, 18:19

Die beiden Presseerklärungen habe ich lange gesucht und am ehesten sprechen oben genannte Worte für meine Meinung, deshalb habe ich die auch hierreingestellt

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