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Thursday, 25. November 2004, 12:36


Das hab ich aus einem Amiforum stibizt. Hoffe das ist hilfreich :)

All "/" commnads

/shout - zonewide shout chat
/ooc - zonewide out of character chat
/auction – zonewide way to announce items you want to sell
/g or /gsay– group chat
/r - raidchat
/em text – emotes text
/cheer – emote for cheer (and a ton other that can be found in the socials window - hover over the icon for the / command)
/brb – you tell everyone around you that you will brb
/t charname text - send text to charname
/telltarget or /tt will send a /tell to your target
/reply Reply to your last tell

Misc / Utility
/showhood - toggle your headgear's visibility on and off, while still wearing the headgear
/bubble_fontsize n - change text size in chat bubbles to size n
/kill – kill yourself, probably not terribly useful
/dis - disable experience (not sure why you would want to) -toggles
/motd - show game message of the day
/filter - toggles obscenity filter
/friend name -adds/removes name from your friend list
/ignore name - adds/removes name from your ignore list
/log – logs text to .txt file
/played – character played time information
/time – in game, real life time
/mood [mood] - where [mood] is afraid, happy, sad, tired, angry, none - moods persist until changed
/camp, /exit, /quit - to quit out of everquest 2
/yell – breaks encounter and yells for help
/con – considers target (same info as is portrayed by mouse cursor)
/pizza - now sends you to the preorder EQ2 Collectors Edition webpage
/random 1 100 - random number between 1 and 100

Group and Raid
/invite -- same as radial "invite to group"
/invite charname - will invite char name to group Ctrl + I
/makeleader name or target
/raidinvite -- same as radial "invite to raid"
/leavegroup, /leave -- same as radial "leave group"
/leaveraid -- same as radial "leave raid"
/kickfromgroup -- same as radial "kick from group"
/kickfromraid -- same as radial "kick from raid"
/disband will now disband the group member you have targeted. Ctrl +D
/follow – follows your target
/assist char name, partial or full name- you will target char name’s target
/assist – you will target your target’s target (NPC or PC ok)
/target name - targets name

Character Status Flags
/anon - anonymous, hide class/level/etc
/role - roleplaying flag
/afk [optional message to be returned to anyone who /tells you]
/lfg - add you to the lfg search results

Who & Example Uses
just /, or /who (will bring up a list of people currently in the same zone as you)
/who all (can be many things)
/who all, good, evil, roleplay, scout, bard, dirge, 30 40, 30, friends
/who all GM (will bring up a list of GM's) currently bugged and showing some non-gm players too
/who all shaman 10 12 (would bring up all shamans level 10 to 12)
/who all 8 (would bring up anyone level 8)
/Whotarget will run a /who on your target

/tellchannel -> send message to room specified. Alias: /csay
/# -> tell command for channel number assignment (better than /tellchannel #)
/joinchannel -> enter a room (or create if doesn't exist).
/leavechannel -> leave a room. game/world rooms.
/leaveall -> exit all channels you are currently in.
/channellist -> lists all channels currently in.
/whochannel # -> lists all users in specified channel.

/guild create Guild Name – temporary method of guild creation
/guild invite -target a player in the same zone and invite them to join your guild. You must be an officer to do this
/guild kick -used by officers to remove people from a guild - might work to target yourself and kick too..not sure
/guild promote -used to promote people to full member and officer
/who all guild - lists whoever is on in guild at the moment
/gu or /guildsay
/guild motd MESSAGE (adds a message that all guild members will see when they log on)

/pet attack: pet will attack your current target
/pet backoff: pet will cease attacking its target
/pet stayhere: pet will stop following you and remain where it is
/pet followme: pet will follow you
/pet report: pet will announce his health in a percentage
/pet guardme: pet will guard and follow you
/pet guardhere: pet will guard its current location
/pet who: pet will announce its master
/pet getlost: pet will disappear

/typo - allows you to submit cosmetic typo's
/bug - for real bugs
/feedback - for ideas, suggestions comments
/petition – report a player

% codes - Useful for hotkeyed macros (see socials window, macro tab)
When speaking, you can now use a series of “%-codes” that expand into various pieces of information. Same as EQ Live.
%M – Returns the character’s pet's name (when they have a pet)
%T - Returns the current target.
%S - Returns the subjective gender-specific pronoun for the target (He, She, It).
%O - Returns the objective gender-specific pronoun for the target (Him, Her, It).
%P - Returns the possessive gender-specific pronoun for the target (His, Her, Its).
%R - Returns the race of the target (only works on Player characters - Sorry.
%G - Returns the gender of the target

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Gohee« (25. November 2004, 12:47)


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

  • Nachricht senden


Thursday, 25. November 2004, 14:00

/showhood -> "versteckt" die Kopfbedeckung
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?