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  • »KanoFu« ist männlich
  • »KanoFu« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 4. October 2009

Wohnort: Machdeburch

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Saturday, 27. March 2010, 06:11

[PvP] Ich Lach mich TOT!

Bürgerkrieg bei (EX)Goonswarm, aber lest selbst :rofl:

Originally posted by EricP:
Long story short(er)

Goons have had a division called black ops for a long time. They are the ones who were responsible for the majority of the alliance's pre-Delve2 success. AFK cloaking, gank gangs in hostile space, basically they're really good at living behind enemy lines and making isk generation very difficult for targets. Blops would soften up targets for a month or two before the main fleet was deployed there, by the time the blob rolled through the targets were failure cascading and morale was low enough that there weren't many fights.

After goonswarm was disbanded, a small group (~30) of these guys stayed behind in Delve under Elitist Ops, a corp not under the alliance umbrella. They wanted out from the alliance so they could run their own wardecs and because it was easier for them to go about their ganking as neutrals instead of being under the alliance standings. They have been exceptionally effective, using AAA-C and other IT pets lax recruitment policies to get agents into those alliances and then use those agents to get warpins/tackles on high-value targets. I'm not one to get all k:d but the isk value of what they've destroyed in the last 2 months is immense, deadspace-fitted marauders, freighters, jump freighters, faction bs, it's pretty impressive.

DJ decided a few days ago that he wanted to bring them back under the alliance banner and use them for strategic objectives (most likely to fuck with ROL/Atlas in the south). EO said "nah we're enjoying doing what we're doing and it's more convenient to be in our own corp".

Being the supremely tactful alliance leader he is, DJ gave them 24 hours to rejoin the alliance or have their characters in GW kicked. Predictably, the majority of EO told him to fuck off. As a troll, EO's leader talked to karttoon and got EO admitted under the Band of Brothers alliance ticker. DJ flipped the fuck out and started banning EO members, EO wardecced GW and last I checked is actively hunting GW members in Cloud Ring.

It's not going to go well for GW, that's for sure.

  • »KanoFu« ist männlich
  • »KanoFu« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 4. October 2009

Wohnort: Machdeburch

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Friday, 16. April 2010, 16:24

Und tot sind sie...

Darius Johnson:

I was hoping to wait a few days before making this post but some faggot scooped me and at this point it doesn't make any sense to delay it any longer as the "secret" won't be secret soon. I don't think it should come as any big surprise to anyone that we were handicapped in a big way by the fall of Delve and subsequent tantrum robbery. I don't think it should come as a surprise to anyone that we were, though how much can be the subject of debate, additionally hurt by Aaron Static's decision to take advantage of that to establish his own space empire for the two weeks or whatever he'll be playing eve before he disappears again. A wise man somewhere said something about learning who your true friends are when you fall because they'll be the ones trying to help you up rather than the ones trying to step on your head (lmao j/k I just made that shit up). It is in this weakened state that we encountered another harsh reality... nobody in Eve works alone. I'm not lamenting the fact or saying we'd behave any differently. My name is not Molle an I don't have a narcissistic need to reshape losses as victories, or to repaint weakness as strength in order to "bedazzle the enemy like a try puppetmaster". The simple fact of the matter is that in CR we are working essentially alone. Those arrayed against us are not. They can deploy carrier-repped supercap piles and we can't afford to deploy caps. In short, we can't take the risks required to ensure success at this point because there's only so many nails I'm willing to drive into this motherfucker. I still believe we could have been successful but many of you did not, and even if we were we would win at what cost? CR is now a thing of the past, having been conquered it is time to go.

Darius, one might ask, why is it you are dressed as Napoleon in the image above? Well my gentlegoons it is because today I'm happy to say that the theme is "France". LMAO NO IT'S NOT BECAUSE WE'RE RETREATING. It is because our RSF brosefs TCF have asked us to come live with them. They have offered us a station in Deklein, as well as a few surrounding systems to install upgrades. From there we will get involved in the heavy fighting in the north against IT and Atlas and whoever the fuck else they bring. From there we will help our French Brosefs preserve their space and grow, as we will conduct recruitment and grow ourselves. In Deklein we are surrounded by friends and enemies alike as opposed to standing alone. It should be obvious that in Dek, one jump from Venal where our brosefs Rebellion and Zaf are living, we can rebuild with a relative friendly support network while having actual fun helping the NC mouthfuck the biggest mouthbreathing fags in the game.

What about the member corps? All member corp CEOs were briefed and on board with the proposal PRIOR to my finalizing the decision. What about DC2? DC2 joined the alliance as a member corp in essence last night. What about Dreddit? They are moving with us.

So what do we do now? WHAT DO I DO WITH MY STUFF? Firstly, everyone was told to leave their shit in 31-, bringing only a couple combat ships to 9-4. Many may have ignored that but there was a reason that request was made and now you can see it. Doctor Ungabungas and Akay Quinn were made aware of the situation yesterday. They will help you evac your shit to 31-, then from there to our new staging system in DKUK, one jump from Venal.

Tonight we will save the ihub. Tomorrow we will save the station. After the station is repped tomorrow night a full evac begins and not a second before. This buys us at least 5 days of station access to continue the evac without us lifting a fucking finger to save a fucking thing. If we all leave now like fags, then we lose it in something like 2 days which fucks over your fellow goons. Don't do that because that's not cool and if you're not cool you're a faggot and nobody likes a faggot round these parts :clint:

I expect us to be completely moved within days. I will post a separate thread with formup points and bridge locations in the new space soonish as well as the intel channel you will be using.

Ultimately I will apologize to you as our internal restructuring took too long to stem the bleeding caused by those wishing to harm us from within. As it stands today we are largely healed at a leadership level and I believe this is exactly what we need to heal as an alliance. Once IT and friends are chased from the north we will work with our Brosefs to make a new home for goons and friends. For now, war has come to goonville and I for one, am happy to find myself in the arms of a hair-legged no deodorant wearing frenchwoman.