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Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Thursday, 12. February 2009, 10:14

[Patch 1.2] Vorankündigung vom Chefe



Well, it’s Friday and time for another Sneak Peak at the next major patch. In this case it will be an early look at the Patch 1.2 patch cycle. While we could easily call this patch Combat & Careers Part Deux, I think a better name is the Bugs, Careers, RvR, Bugs, Items and Bugs Patch. Over this patch cycle we will have addressed and resolved about 500 bugs and issues (some internal, most external) and some of the changes have already been pushed to LIVE. Now, while a lot of these are teeny tiny little bugs, such as grammatical errors in tool tips, the majority of them are substantial. This patch is intended to be made available to our Core Testers next week on our Public Test Server (PTS). We also intend to break with tradition a little bit and make the entire patch notes available to the community before the patch goes to the PTS. So, without further ado, here are some highlights from the 1.2 patch cycle.

1) Bugs: I’m certainly not going to list 500 bugs/issues here, but the list is rather lengthy and right now bug fixes alone are coming in at about 16 pages of notes.

2) New Careers: Two new careers have been added, the Slayer and the Choppa. For those that got a look at the Choppa during Beta, you’ll see some changes and improvements but the Slayer is all new and ready to take the field for the first time.

3) Combat and Careers Adjustments: Lots and lots of bug fixes, adjustments and tweaks to all careers. This Balance patch focuses on addressing a number of global issues identified by the players that have been affecting the overall feel and balance of the game. This includes items such as Resistance stacking, Disorient effects, and Damage Absorb shields. In addition to these more global changes, we continue to work on each individual career addressing many of the more significant balance concerns and bugs brought up by the community. This includes a focus on the following careers; Witch Elf, Witch Hunter, Chosen, Knight, Black Orc, and Swordmaster.

4) Realm vs Realm: RvR is introducing several great changes including the new Open RvR Rallying Cry, Zone Domination System, and Siege Weapon Improvements and more!

5) Items: Itemization improvements and fixes for Gunbad, Bastion Stair, Lost Vale, Fortress Raid Rewards, City Invasion Rewards, and more!

6) Crafting System Improvements: Overall improvements to the system with Apothecary being the focus of this patch. New ingredients, improved interfaces and more.

7) Public Quests: Easy PQs for Tiers two, three, and four! This completes our first pass at the Easy PQ system and we will continue to review and tweak the system as necessary. As we have already done for Tier One, we have gone through the PQs in each Tier and made sure that at least one per chapter can be completed by 1-3 people.

8) New Live Event: The Bitter Rivals event will be launching with this version as the official kick off for the anticipated introduction of the Slayer and Choppa!

9) New Scenario: The Twisting Tower Scenario will be making a special preview appearance!

10) User Interface: Lots of UI improvements for both old and new systems! These improvements cover everything from crafting to RvR.

11) Mail: Send multiple items attached to each mail! Easily one of our most requested features by the players.

12) Client Stability: Continued improvements to the client in the areas of stability performance and visual quality. Improvements to an MMO’s client, just like the server, are ongoing and these will continue now and in the future to be one of our priorities.

As always, there’s a lot more to this patch than I can hope to cover here and things are subject to change during testing, but 1.2 is a huge patch for us and it will be followed by another large patch, 1.3. I’m also working on a State of the Game that will lay out, in more detail, our plans for the rest of 1.2, 1.3 and beyond. And once again, this is only a Sneak Peak.


>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Thursday, 12. February 2009, 10:19

Und hier nochmal im Detail vom Testcenter:…p?id=2009_1-1-2

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Thursday, 12. February 2009, 10:33

So hab mich mal bisschen durchgewühlt und paar der (in meinen Augen) extrem guten Änderungen rausgezogen:


* When instructed to attack a target on the other side of a closed door, pets will no longer run through the door.

* Players will no longer incorrectly see other players on their mounts after they have dismounted.

* When using flight masters, the flight cinematic will now be less wobbly for Destruction characters.

* When attempting to loot from a pile of corpses, the client will now prioritize corpses with loot on them over empty corpses, making it easier to loot.

* Monsters will now be less prone to going into an evade state and returning to their spawn point when trying to reach targets.

* Monsters which flee from combat due to being at low hit points will now immediately begin moving at a slower speed.

* Pick Lock: Fixed a bug that prevented this ability from functioning. (Das heißt Chaosbarbar, Weißer Löwe, Hexenkriegerin und Hexenjäger können durchs geschlossene Tor oder durch die Hintertüren und Ausfallpforten in die Burg schleichen und dort für Chaos und Unruhe sorgen. Heißt 6 - Mann - Heilermosch - Ölvernichter - Schleichertrupps in WAR willkommen! (Ich freu mich drauf - wird nochmal spannender, wie damals die Infis in DAoC))


* New Careers! Unleash the savage fury of the relentless Orc Choppa, or take up the doom-laden oath of the unstoppable Dwarf Slayer. These two new melee-focused careers relish the thrill of fighting on the front lines and laying waste to all foes that come within reach of their mighty blades.

* Bitter Rivals join the battle! Introducing the newest live event for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. "Bitter Rivals" focuses on the ancient hatred that burns between the Dwarf and greenskin races. Millennia of conflict in the Worlds Edge Mountains have honed the enmity that exists between the Orcs and Goblins and the stout Dwarfs to a razor-sharp edge, and when these nemeses meet in battle, it is war without mercy.

* Fight for control of the warped Twisting Tower! The battle rages in this new Tier 4 Scenario found deep in the heart of the maddening Chaos Wastes. Here, the warping power of Chaos is at its peak, transforming the very fabric of reality in defiance of all reason. Warriors of Order and Destruction must grapple for control of this ancient citadel, for if the secrets of the Twisting Tower should fall into enemy hands, the tide of battle will surely turn. Like the Reikland Factory, the Twisting Tower will be available for all players for a limited time as a preview to accompany the Bitter Rivals event. Be sure to stake your claim to the Twisting Tower while you can!

* Answer the Call to Arms with new Realm vs. Realm gameplay enhancements! Introducing the new Open RvR Rallying Cry system that summons you to key battles for Tiers 1 and 2. The new Zone Control Domination System for Tiers 2 through 4 rewards a realm that truly conquers the battlefield. Also, many improvements to siege weapons ensure that the mighty engines of war are now more lethally effective than ever. See below for additional details.

* New treasures await! Across-the-board itemization improvements have been made to the Fortresses, world dungeons, and city dungeons of WAR, including better world drops, quest rewards, Influence rewards, and more!

* Crafting System Improvements! We've made many improvements to the game's crafting system, including pairing-off specific gathering skills with specific production skills in order to make crafters more self-sufficient. Also, the leveling curve of trade skills has been improved and fewer components are required to create items. Last, but certainly not least, is the addition of new craftable items!

* Easy Public Quests make their debut in Tiers 2, 3, and 4. Scaled for courageous bands of 1 to 3 adventurers, these Public Quests offer a rewarding PvE experience without a large commitment of forces. You'll find one Easy Public Quest in each Chapter, so gather a few friends, or venture out alone... if you dare!

* Multiple mail attachments! Now you can send several attached items with a single mail message.

* Two new secret lairs await! Finding the new hidden lairs is only half the battle. Figuring out how to open the door - and surviving the dangers inside - is another matter, entirely!

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)



Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

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Thursday, 12. February 2009, 20:37

ausserdem kommen noch neue mounts!

2 neue mounts pro rasse die beim reittierhändler zu bekommens ein werden

(ich spekuliere das es sich um die mittlere und schwere gepanzerte version handelt von den jeweiligen mounts die es bisher gibt ich hatte da nämlich mal vor einiger zeit das hier gefunden)

3 mounts guild only ab gildenrang 25


3 mounts ebenfalls guild only die schneller sind und ne geringere dismount chance haben ab gildenrang 35
"Schlanke, sozial privilegierte Weiße dürfen einen kleinen Kreis um sich ziehen und jeder, der sich darin befindet, is normal aber alle außerhalb des Kreises gehören zuerst verprügelt, gedemütigt und zurückgesetzt, bevor man sie in den Kreis hineinlässt. Und wenn das nix nützt, hilf ihnen nur noch ne Anstaltseinweisung, oder schlimmer noch, Mitleid."
Dr. Gregory House


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

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Friday, 13. February 2009, 13:43

Sind ja auch nur Echsen! :wand:
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?



Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

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Friday, 13. February 2009, 16:51

naja ich denk mir das..kann mich auch irren.

was ich aber hoffnungsvoll finde is das da bei den bildenr auch was von individualisieren von pets steht.. vielleicht kommt sowas ja später auch noch
"Schlanke, sozial privilegierte Weiße dürfen einen kleinen Kreis um sich ziehen und jeder, der sich darin befindet, is normal aber alle außerhalb des Kreises gehören zuerst verprügelt, gedemütigt und zurückgesetzt, bevor man sie in den Kreis hineinlässt. Und wenn das nix nützt, hilf ihnen nur noch ne Anstaltseinweisung, oder schlimmer noch, Mitleid."
Dr. Gregory House


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

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Friday, 13. February 2009, 16:56

Naja über die Gildenmounts is ja noch nix bekannt - also ob das auch dieselbe Rasse immer ist oder nicht - sind ja erstmal nur die verschiedenen Panzerungen vor allem zu sehen für die normal erwerbbaren Mounts.

Ich hab auch keine Ahnung wie das im Warhammer Universum so ist was da Dunkelelfen als Reittiere so verwenden - bei den Figuren gibts zumindest eh nur Echsenreiter und sowas - deshalb vermute ich einfach mal das sie sich da an den Hintergrund halten werden (was sie ja bisher auch immer machen)

Das man die Pets Färben kann (Primär und Sekundär Farbe was wohl Rüstung und Haut betrifft) find ich schonmal sehr gut auf jeden Fall und ich denk mal das wird mit 1.2. eh schon kommen.

Freu mich da ja schon richtig drauf - vor allem auf die zwei weiteren Events.
Das Nacht der Monde Event war/ist ja auch schon ne nette Idee - erinnert mich halt total an die Events in CoX.

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)