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Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

  • Nachricht senden


Sunday, 4. April 2010, 00:40

[RP] Anschlag auf Pashanai

So, wer ebenfalls gerne auch das RP geschehen im Eve Universum verfolgt wird hierran Spaß haben. Das Ganze geht nun schon seit mehreren Tagen - und entwickelt sich so langsam zu einer recht interessanten Geschichte über Amarr und Minmatar...

Die Nachrichten sind in chronoligisch richtiger Reihenfolge.
Interessant sind dazu natürlich die Geschichte der Bloody Hands (Evepedia).

Ansonsten ist hier viel Raum für Spekulation was wirklich dort gelaufen ist - bedenkt auch immer das niemand der Royal Family auf Amarr einen Clon besistzt (offiziell) was ja die Rückkehr von Jamyl Sarum vor einiger Zeit so spektakulär gemacht hat.

Ansonsten ist ein Ausflug nach Pashanai und ein Blick auf die Ministry of War Station bestimmt ein paar Sprünge wert - ich werds mir morgen mal ansehen.


Pashanai - Pandemonium has erupted at the Ministry of War's Bureau Offices in the Pashanai system in the past hour. Conflicting reports are still coming in, but several Scope sources have confirmed that a powerful explosion has torn through a number of the station's levels, taking lives and destroying crucial infrastructure. It is unknown at this point what the death toll is, though it is believed to number in the thousands. The Amarr Navy has been placed on high alert and is deploying relief vessels at this time.

More on the situation as it develops.


Pashanai - The Scope is still attempting to get news on the explosion that apparently ripped through the Ministry of War's Bureau Offices in the Pashanai system. Reports are coming in, but the explosion's cause and the extent of damage remain unclear.

What is clear is that the Amarr Navy has begun a massive re-deployment along its border with the Minmatar Republic. We have no comment from the Navy at this time.


Pashanai - The first casualties from the site of the Pashanai incident have been confirmed in excess of 4300, according to numbers just released by Amarr Navy High Command. Containment and relief operations are underway at the scene, with several station sectors still either on fire or suffering dangerous gas leaks.

It has also been reported that Mervan Moritok, the head of the Theology Council, may have been among those on the station at the time the explosion took place. Attempts to confirm this with the Empire are underway.

We will have more on the situation as it develops.


Pashanai - Following the massive explosion that tore through the Ministry of War station, dozens of first response teams have been deployed to search for survivors. These teams, each numbering nine slaves strong and commanded by an Amarrian overseer, are typical rescue corps employed by the Empire during times of possible danger.

"The rescue teams shall enter through several points," explained Captain Jamar Dinn, the Ministry official commanding the effort. "Most will enter through hull breaches and continue from there, while others will begin from docking points and move toward the most damaged areas."

On the use of slave labor, Captain Dinn said, "These teams are used to working orderly and efficiently even under extreme stress. In addition, individual members are employed under a special merit system whereby their performance and rescue numbers directly influence the personal liberties of themselves and their families. As such, they are ideal for these circumstances, as they are unlikely to be discouraged by any amount of death and destruction. Their efforts allow the Navy and other vital forces to remain on high alert for the duration of the rescue."

Officials anticipate that once the areas have been swept by the slave teams and the risk of futher detonations or structural collapses has been mitigated, Naval teams shall move in as a compliment.


Nererut - At a hastily-organized press conference today, Amarr Construction Assembly Manager Terma Tesh declared that a team comprised of their best structural engineers, site workers and nanite technicians had already departed for Pashanai. The team will work to stabilize the station structurally and attempt to keep essential services running in support of rescue and evacuation efforts. When pressed on the matter of security, Tesh revealed no Minmatar workers were selected for the specialist team.


Pashanai - Mervan Moritok, head of the Theology Council, has been confirmed as one of the roughly six thousand casualties of the Pashanai explosion. Habi Ghamri, Commander of Security at the Amarrian Ministry of Internal Order, has furthermore gone on record to state the explosion was not, as previously believed, caused by an accidental gas leak, but rather represented an orchestrated act of terrorism.

"This was no accident. It is an empire-wide criminal investigation at this point and will continue as such until we have apprehended those responsible," he said. "A clearer picture is emerging of the details on the site. We're confident we'll have some solid leads in the very near future."

When asked if the Empire believed the attack to have been politically motivated, Ghamri said, "At this stage the most we can do is speculate, but we aren't ruling out the possibility."


Ardishapur Prime - Royal Heir Yonis Ardishapur has just addressed the Amarr Empire in a widely telecast speech. Speaking from the steps of his palace on Ardishapur Prime, the heir outlined several strategies for dealing with the aftermath, offered words of comfort to those affected, and pledged to use his personal resources to ensure the tragedy was dealt with as completely as possible.

"You can never prepare for a day like this," he said, "when the cruelty and evil of the world for one terrible moment reveal themselves in the heart of your home. A great blow has been dealt us this day, but to the brave and loyal souls of the Empire I say: you have faced worse before, and you have prevailed. You now stand faced with this, and now too will you prevail. As God is my witness, we shall weather this storm."

"And make no mistake either that a great man has fallen today. His decades of contribution to the well-being of our nation will pass safe into the realm of history. But let us not forget the other thousands who rejoined our Lord today. Let their sacrifice, and all the pain it's caused us, be the bedrock from which we launch our retribution against those who would harm us. And let no man, woman or child in New Eden think that the Empire will ever let itself be cowed by brutality. Not now, not forever. Amarr Victor."

Several detachments from Ardishapur's personal fleet have been scrambled and are en route to Pashanai bearing medical supplies and personnel. The casualty figures appear to have leveled off by this point, with the latest reported total standing at 5563.


Villore - President Jacus Roden has officially transmitted condolences to Empress Jamyl I following the deaths of several thousand people - including Theology Council head Mervan Moritok - in a devastating explosion at the Amarr Ministry of War station in Pashanai system. Although the explosion was initially believed to be an accident, the Amarr Ministry of Internal Order are now investigating it as an act of terrorism.

In a statement on behalf of the Gallente Federation government, the President's office said, "The explosion and the thousands of deaths and injuries are a tragedy for the entire New Eden cluster. We note with regret the death of High Deacon Mervan Moritok and offer the condolences of the Gallente Federation for his and other deaths resulting from this terrible event."

Commenting on public statements of Amarr security officials suggesting the station explosion was a deliberate act of terrorism rather than a tragic accident, the release urged caution: "The Gallente Federation stands ready to offer any and all assistance that may be required both for rescue workers and investigators. If this tragic event is confirmed to be an act of terrorism we respectfully urge caution so that the true perpetrators may be punished without any further unnecessary loss of life to innocents."

The President's office confirmed that Federation Navy units have been put on stand-by along the border with the Amarr Empire to serve as an aid and security task-force should any assistance be requested.


Pashanai - The Bloody Hands of Matar, one of the most notorious terrorist organizations in New Eden, has come forward to claim responsibility for the massive explosion on a Ministry of War station at Pashanai III earlier today which claimed the lives of just under 5600 people and destroyed several billion ISK's worth of infrastructure.

In a prepared video statement released to several media outlets simultaneously, an unidentified man with a black cloth across his face speaks in a distorted voice, explaining intricate technical details of the operation that experts have now confirmed indicate a reliable level of involvement. The man then proceeds to direct scathing political rhetoric toward the Empire and the Ammatar Mandate, starkly berating them for their "centuries of unlawful subjugation and violence."

The Minmatar Republic has moved swiftly to denounce the attack. In a nationally broadcast statement just minutes ago, Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor expressed his condolences to to the innocent people of Amarr, caught up in this brutal attack unawares, and pledged to assist with relief efforts in any measure the Empire requested.

The attack represents by orders of magnitude the biggest act of terrorism ever perpetrated by the Bloody Hands of Matar. The organization has kept largely out of the limelight since assassinating an Ammatar consulate ambassador just under three years ago. Their numbers, resources and the extent of their operational capacity are unknown at this point.


Pashanai - In response to heightened terror alerts across the Amarr Empire following the Pashanai attack, Amarr Customs has mobilized to lock down civilian travel on many heavily trafficked transit routes. At checkpoints along the Ammatar-Minmatar border, the sudden density of traffic and limited customs presence has resulted in complete curtailment of trade and transit vessels.

Jaikhan Dhomn, a Thukker merchant employed at the Trust Partners Trading Post in Tanoo, was planning to cross the border with his family when he learned of the security lockdown. "Everyone is afraid and angry after this [attack]. The Amarr fear us for what the Bloody Hand did, and we fear the Amarr for what they will do in return," he said.

Capsuleer traffic remains unimpeded across the Empire. Amarr Customs Commander Bachain Zhaide commented, "Everything that happens to a capsuleer ship, every ounce of goods moved on or off it, is logged in meticulous detail by CONCORD. Amarr Customs has directives not to interrupt capsuleer traffic beyond standard procedure. We barely have enough manpower as it is, so if CONCORD keeps track of the capsuleers, we have more resources to dedicate to keeping everyone else safe."

Amarr Customs has given no indication of when it expects the lockdown to end.


Pashanai - New information has come to light on the explosion that occurred yesterday at a Ministry of War station in Pashanai. According to station manifests, Empress Jamyl Sarum was scheduled to make a short stop at the station at the time the explosion happened.

Sarum was making a diplomatic tour of the outlying areas in commemoration of St. Kuria's Day, a little-known Amarr religious holiday observed annually by the Holders and the religious establishment, though it is generally not celebrated outside of these cirlces. By tradition, the emperor spends this day meeting with religious figureheads and observing rites with them.

Approximately twenty minutes before the explosion took place, Empress Sarum's office cancelled her meeting at the station. She was to have met with Theology Council Arch Deacon Mervan Moritok, who was present at the station and died in the blast. Representatives of her office could not be reached for official comment, but a highly-placed source within the Empire has gone on record saying, "Diplomatic tours [such as the St. Kuria's Day one] are verydifficult logistical undertakings, and scheduling conflicts often arise with very little warning."

The explosion at Pashanai, an act of the Minmatar revolutionary organization the Bloody Hands of Matar, claimed the lives of 5,563 people.


Pashanai - Commercial and residential station vacancies have risen sharply since the Bloody Hands of Matar attack on the Ministry of War Bureau Offices station at Pashani III. Businesses across the system continue to cancel rental agreements, while some homes have simply been abandoned.

Kadeyn Osirani, a rental agent at the local Amarr Certified News Development Studio, said several reasons, from changing plans to "unsafe conditions," have been given for the termination. The development studio orbits less than 550 kilometers from the site of the attack and has been the location hardest hit by the exodus of tenants thus far.

"People are frightened," Kadeyn explained. "They feel this kind of thing shouldn't have been allowed to happen, not again. The attack was a harsh reminder of Malkalen and Yulai."

One renter, who refused to identify himself to The Scope, said he was born on the station and had never considered leaving it until now. "You don't know where or when the next attack might be," he said.

Analysts across Pashanai agree that this trend will reverse itself in due course and noted that the majority of residents are staying put, though stations will experience the effects of lost rental revenue for some time.


Hulm - A senior scholar at the Republic University upset many Amarr citizens today over his comments regarding the attack in the Pashanai system system a week ago. Erglan Vros, a Krusual professor of social studies at the Republic University, made the controversial remarks during an interview to The Wider Social Review, a respected Gallente-based political analysis journal.

When asked by TWSR on last week's events in the Amarr Empire and their effects on the Minmatar Republic's future, Vros stated that he foresees little to no impact on the current political situation as the seven Minmatar tribes work toward a common government.
"The loss of life may be tragic," said Vros, "but I don't see how the bombing in Amarr will disrupt the reunification process. We are forging ahead with creating a new future for the Minmatar people. Our focus is on our new government, not the problems of the Empire."

When asked to expand upon this comment, Vros continued with the controversial statement,
"Given the social factors at play between the Amarr and the Minmatar, it is clear how violent organizations such as the Bloody Hand will continue to spawn. If the Amarr want to look at who brought about such actions, then they should look to themselves."

Since their publication earlier today, Erglan Vros's remarks have been met with outrage among many in the Amarr Empire, including prominent Holders and theological scholars. The Republic University has yet to issue comment on the situation.

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)


Porno - Iraner

  • »Eoin« ist männlich
  • »Eoin« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: überall und nirgends

  • Nachricht senden


Tuesday, 6. April 2010, 07:36


Pashanai - Eine Reihe von Sekundärexplosionen hat die angeschlagene Hülle der Station des Kriegsministeriums in Pashanai erschüttert. Angesichts der ausgedehnten und laufenden Rettungs- und Bergungsoperationen vor Ort ist sicher, dass diese neue Reihe von Explosionen den Blutzoll erhöhen wird, besonders unter den Respondern und Hilfarbeitern.

Es ist bisher unklar, was die Sekundärexplosionen verursacht hat. Obwohl manche annehmen, dass sie das Ergebnis von Sprengladungen sind, die von den ursprünglichen Terroristen platziert worden waren, mit dem ausschließlichen Zweck, die First Responder zu treffen. Hat die Bloody Hand of Matar bisher noch nicht die Verantwortung übernommen. Weiters gibt es Anzeichen, dass diese kleineren Explosionen von den Schäden an der energieerzeugenden Infrastruktur herrühren.

Die Rettungsteams verdoppeln ihre Anstrengungen die Hilfsarbeitern, die eingeschlossen wurden zu befreien. Vertreter des Kriegsministeriums entsandten ein Untersuchungsteams in dem Bestreben, den Grund der Explosionen zu bestimmen, obwohl ernsthafte Forensische Arbeiten warten müssen, bis das Gros der kritischen Rettungsoperationen abgeschlossen sind.

>>Reicher Mann und armer Mann
>>standen da und sah'n sich an.
>>Und der Arme sagte bleich:
>>"Wär ich nicht arm,wärst du nicht reich."
>>(Bertolt Brecht)

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