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  • »Kh'arta« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

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Wednesday, 25. April 2007, 11:26

Chapter 6., Testcenter Notes, 25. April 2007

Chapter 6., Testcenter Notes, 25. April 2007

Enhance your player-driven stories and adventures with a new series of props, effects, and customizable NPCs! Obtain storyteller tokens from the storyteller NPC to begin telling your story. Only those players invited by you into your story can participate. To learn more, use the storyteller button in your command browser to list all the commands!

Beast Master
Beast Master Expertise is an exciting new feature coming to Star Wars Galaxies in Chapter 6. These are new creature-centric abilities available to all players, regardless of profession or level, through a third expertise tree. Harvest DNA from the wild, obtain/craft enzymes, and incubate your fully customizable creature! Adventure in the wilds to learn abilities and level up your pet. See the Friday Feature posted on April 20th for detailed instructions on Incubation.

Beast Incubation
Players are limited to one active incubator unit per player. Incubators must be placed in a player structure to activate. Picking up the Incubator unit will cleanse any active experiments. The length of time between experimentation sessions is based on Incubator Functionality rating and purchased expertise boxes.

Beast Loyalty And Happiness
Make sure your pet is kept happy through craftable foods, tricks, and planetary travels. Keeping your pet happy in the long term will enable it to learn more abilities.

Beast ToolBar
All Beast commands that your beast is eligible for will auto populate onto the pet toolbar. Right click on an ability to make it an auto-repeating attack. The Beast will perform if it has enough action and the cool-down has expired. Two Beast dispositions on this bar toggle your pet between defending you if attacked and ignoring attacks on the master. You must have training in Beast Master to use any ability beyond ‘stay’ and ‘follow.’

Beast Leveling
Beasts level on the master gaining combat experience. A kill must con green or higher for the Beast to gain experience. If you wish to keep your pet at their current growth level, use the radial option to toggle Beast experience gain off.

Beast Death
If your beast perishes in combat use the "revive beast" ability granted in the first expertise box of Beast Master.

Creature Mounts
Calling a creature mount will now place you upon its back automatically. Dismounting from a creature mount will now auto-store the mount.

Legacy Pets
All legacy pets in player datapads now have an option to "stuff" them for display in your home. Stuffed pets may also be used in the Incubation process if you wish them to live again. Stuffed pets receive bonuses in the Incubation process.

Wild Creature Special Abilities
Going hand-in-hand with the new Beast Master system, wild creatures have new specials attacks and combat abilities. Some of these abilities are learnable by the player when attacking these creatures. These abilities can then be trained to your Beast if they have the appropriate number of skill points and are of the correct creature type. Be wary going into the wilds!

Rebel Theme Park
New adventures await those who work for the rebel alliance! Visit C3P0 on Corellia to begin them.

Foraging has been added back to Star Wars Galaxies. Currently, foraging can only give you bait for fishing.

Rules of foraging
After attempting to forage in a location, you must move at least 5m to another location before attempting forage again.
After a successful forage, you cannot forage in that spot again, this session (per character).
You have a 50% chance to get bait and a 50% chance to get nothing.
Bait of the same type should now stack in your inventory, as you gather them.

Treasure Maps
The major differences between this version of treasure maps and the treasure map functionality available to players at retail in 2003 are the following:

The enemies scale to the combat level of the player attempting to extract the treasure unless the player is below/above the map max level.
The enemies scale in number and combat level based on the player attempting to extract the treasure while in a group.
The treasure extracted is actually valuable to players between the treasure min/max levels.
Credits are not part of the extracted treasure and nothing is divided between the player and other group members (unless manually traded).

Content - Azure Cabal
Look for your contact at the Cantina in Theed

Mounts/vehicles: You can no longer call a mount or vehicle while rooted.
Vehicles: You can no longer enter a vehicle while rooted



  • »Kh'arta« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

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Wednesday, 25. April 2007, 11:26


Creature Mounts
Calling a creature mount will now place you upon its back automatically. Dismounting from a creature mount will now auto-store the mount.

Sie können nix wirklich richtig machen. -.-

  • »Burath« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Dresden

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Wednesday, 25. April 2007, 11:51

Nunja, hauptsache alles möglichst schnell, mit geringstem Aufwand und so leicht wie möglich. Keine Hürden sind gewollt, die den Spieler nur für ein paar Sekunden davon abhalten könnten, sich ins eigentliche Getümmel zu stürzen, was mit den NGE-Änderungen und überarbeiteten Klassen ja jetzt so toll sein soll. Alles andere ist dabei ja nur Ballast. ;) Vermutlich glauben die wirklich daran, dass sie den Spielern damit einen Gefallen tun. Bei manchen (z.B. Pvp'ler) ist es vielleicht sogar wirklich so - und das könnte das Problem sein.



  • »Kh'arta« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Registrierungsdatum: 30. March 2006

Wohnort: Südhessen

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Wednesday, 25. April 2007, 11:56

Es ist ein gewisser Schlag in des RPlers Gesicht - im gleichen Chapter bringen sie aber die Storyteller - was soll das? Ich vermute, sie haben einfach nicht drübe rnachgedacht, bzw. sind unfähig zu begreifen, was RPler eigentlich machen. Sie haben nur gesehen, dass Mounts nicht unnötig herumstehen müssen, denn kämpfen können sie ja nicht. Also werden sie eingepackt.





Wednesday, 25. April 2007, 12:15

Och nöööö! So ein Blödsinn! Mein armer kleiner Gliep! Wofür kann er denn die tollen Tricks, die M'ia ihm höchstpersönlich beigebracht hat, wenn er sich nichtmal sonnen darf?. :(


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

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Wednesday, 25. April 2007, 12:32

Das fänd ich echt traurig, wenn es live kommt.
Da hab ich mich doch glatt mal im off. Feedback-Thread geäußert.
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?


survived everything

  • »Mimei« ist männlich

Registrierungsdatum: 31. March 2004

Spiel: TESO

Charakter: Mimei BeRith

Wohnort: Oberbayern

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Thursday, 17. May 2007, 13:07

Chapter 6 war ursprünglich für Dienstag angekündigt und dann auf heute verschoben worden.
Nun wurde es kurzfristg abermals verschoben, Termin ist nun Dienstag der 22.05.

Link ins offizielle Forum
Even if it's easy to be free
What's your definition of freedom?
And who the fuck are you, anyway?
Who the fuck are they?
Who the fuck am I to say?
What the fuck is really going on?

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